2014 Investments Thread (housing, franchises, startups, etc)

I would love to open up a custom garage someday. Maybe not even a garage, but a place for me to build and sell custom hot rods and bikes. Gonna work to someday make this possible.

I think laser tag would be easy to do.
I definitely would love to own a panera bread or chipotle. Maybe in another 7-10 years?
When o worked there back in 08 don't know how true this is, a manager said it cost 8 mil

i think that depends on wether you're renting a space or building it from scratch (foundation, site work, asphalt paving). Also, I'd probably get together with like 2 or 3 partners. Only way to do it if you're staring from the bottom.
Get a thinkorswim paper trade account and learn to trade. Read Brian Shannon's book, watch the InvestorsLive Textbook Trading DVD. Pricey stuff but I've found them helpful.
i know this thread is about non-stock trading, but im heavily considering getting into stocks. i just bought a beginners guide to investing book and the intelligent investor by benjamin grahm. in the mean time, while im still learning and to get a feel for it, i signed up for a couple of stock simulators and havent done too horribly

its got me thinking about other investments too. for kicks, ive been going on real estate websites and locating foreclosures or houses that need work. since im kind of a handy man, i kinda plan out what i would do, how much it would cost, and the possible profit. its actually kinda exhilarating to think about
My girlfriend and I are going to start selling our homemade salsa at farmer markets on the weekend. Hopefully if it goes well we can make our own chips, with the goal of selling the salsa and chips to local restaurants. All side hustle of course. It should be really fun
Besides my typical 9-5 I am trying to get into day trading especially in the futures market. Been doing a lot of simulating trading and building up my bank account so I can start trading live in few months. But for now I am just constantly learning and refining my trading plan. The goal is to eventually do this as a full time gig.
Franchising is great as long as you find the right franchise, with minimal fees.. At one point you could franchise a chic-fil-a for 5k a few years ago. I've been looking into a place called Monkey Joes that's a kids place with a bunch of blow up toys and trained professionals to watch your kids why you lounge and watch the game or whatever..

Real Estate- it's 100% a sellers market now, I'd say if you have the doe get your feet wet before it drops off.

Investments- are always a little shakey, but my moms make about 30k a month off her structured settlement that went primarily into annuities for the first 10 years
^I don't recall but I remember watching a segment on a dude who got out of prison and started an ATM business. I want to say I watched it on 'How I Made My Millions'. Here is an article about him http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/82962 . This was a little over a decade ago though, lol. Still has potential :nerd: Looks like he died in a moped accident. |I RIP
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My girlfriend and I are going to start selling our homemade salsa at farmer markets on the weekend. Hopefully if it goes well we can make our own chips, with the goal of selling the salsa and chips to local restaurants. All side hustle of course. It should be really fun
I may get in contract with you in a year to see how your salsa is during around your area. I am a Marketing major and will be getting my Master in Food Science.
Hearing some of you guys talk about being in debt and all that got me wondering, have any of you had a financial setback or loss a lot of money doing business or investing and had everything go down the drain? Would like to hear some successful stories of people bouncing back from losses, need some encouragement lol.
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Weren't some dudes talking about owning atm's a while back too?
Whats the word on ATM machines? seems like a good side hustle to me. What are the cons? Have to have a good place to put it (Possibly charged for renting the space), gotta re-fill it
Hearing some of you guys talk about being in debt and all that got me wondering, have any of you had a financial setback or loss a lot of money doing business or investing and had everything go down the drain? Would like to hear some successful stories of people bouncing back from losses, need some encouragement lol.
One of my buddies fathers lost it all big in the stock market and won it big. Said in his lifetime he has lost 2 mil and won 2 mil. His rule is if it stock goes under 8%, end it, no attachments.
Just seems like there's already ATMs everywhere

Find little stores (cafés/ hookah lounges are great) that do not have a pos system in place and pitch it to the owner, tell him you will maintain/stock the machines and give him like 10 cents of the 2$ surcharge. Show him the benefits in having the ATM in his store ( less flaky customers that's step out and never come back/ less customers running a tab) he will almost 100% agree.
Hearing some of you guys talk about being in debt and all that got me wondering, have any of you had a financial setback or loss a lot of money doing business or investing and had everything go down the drain? Would like to hear some successful stories of people bouncing back from losses, need some encouragement lol.
I lost a ton of money first few months of this year using too much size and trading without a plan. I had two choices at that point give up or learn how to trade. Spent the next couple of months immersed in charts and patterns and now it's clicked and I'm on the way back to break even and eventual profitability. Trading stocks is like baseball I learned. You can't go right into trading size without moving up through the minors building g yourself up and adjusting along the way. Always gotta manage risk too. Can't get complacent in that industry.
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Hearing some of you guys talk about being in debt and all that got me wondering, have any of you had a financial setback or loss a lot of money doing business or investing and had everything go down the drain? Would like to hear some successful stories of people bouncing back from losses, need some encouragement lol.
I lost a ton of money first few months of this year using too much size and trading without a plan. I had two choices at that point give up or learn how to trade. Spent the next couple of months immersed in charts and patterns and now it's clicked and I'm on the way back to break even and eventual profitability. Trading stocks is like baseball I learned. You can't go right into trading size without moving up through the minors building g yourself up and adjusting along the way. Always gotta manage risk too. Can't get complacent in that industry.
How much would you suggest saving for the first time

Bout a g?
Idk I'd keep stacking as you learn how to trade. I wouldn't put much on the line until you've spent a few months studying and paper trading, and you see yourself consistently making good trades and managing risk well. Check out this link from the BullsonWallStreet team.


If you wanna trade stocks but don't have much experience you need to download think or swim's paper trading platform and learn the ropes there till you see yourself profitable 4 out of 5 days a week.
Someone tell me why or why not I should buy a house/condo/apt right now
Someone tell me why or why not I should buy a house/condo/apt right now
IMO it depends on your lifestyle. If you are ready to stay at your location for the foreseable future, yes do it. But if your one whom likes to move around, travel or are not set in your career yet I would say wait.

Personally I do not see myself purchasing a home for at least 10 years (Im currently 27). There are still places I would like to explore and opportunities I would like to see through. Purchasing a home now would lock me in to my current location and I'm not ready for that.

Again it all depends on your lifestyle. Good luck
Idk I'd keep stacking as you learn how to trade. I wouldn't put much on the line until you've spent a few months studying and paper trading, and you see yourself consistently making good trades and managing risk well. Check out this link from the BullsonWallStreet team.


If you wanna trade stocks but don't have much experience you need to download think or swim's paper trading platform and learn the ropes there till you see yourself profitable 4 out of 5 days a week.


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