2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

UFirstfashions BAO Dunks now available   INSTORE

Remaining pairs will be online.

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Sounds like we all need to just roll up some good
and call it a day.
I'm right with you on that one!
I and the rest of the thread understands where both of yall are coming from. Let's just keep it moving and get the thread back on track fam.
My point was, don't try and school me on the thread when I've been in here before you.  POST COUNT IS A JOKE, look at rep count vs post count, thats a true sign of someones contribution here(John is an inspiration). I could spend all day posting "no that colorway is whack" or "damn thats fire, copping doubles".  Doesn't contribute **** to anyone.  And for the record, I lurk more than I post now A. because I don't post my opinion on every page, don't hold my opinions so high and B. most of what goes on in here now is the same repetitive questions about size, how do they fit, and where can I cop the newest QS. I got nothing to contribute to those questions..

Man that's a lie... Reps is about friends :lol:. I know for a fact I do NOTHING but talk **** ...... And look at my reps :lol: sometimes I've even surprised at the stuff that gets repped.

I mean some ppl reps are cuz they help out a lot but the others is cuz of our personalities/popularity
tiffany dunks JFK USA customs. Fing robbery. at least 5 pairs came good. I packed them in 3's and 2's and one of hte 3 pairs got caught. Tax duty aint that bad
Compared to $300, $190 is robbery. You throwing oops with that? Haha

But seriously it's amazing they got us buying SB's and thinking $190 is a deal, right? Not commenting on your purchase, cuz you did get a deal, but isn't it funny?
btw was searching for royals in sz 10 for you. Everything on the bay right now looks fake so be careful. NT we all family here.

My man! Yea it's filthy out there with those and people are really paying resell for fakes. Sad that they don't know or just don't care. #sbfam


This is R-I-D-I-C-I-O-U-S!!!!!
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