2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I've been missing the NBA and MLB so much I said screw it and started playing Nascar this week lol
I've been missing out on nba and nfl on fan duel so I bet on Nascar last night and last week, but didn't win a thing. So I'm about until NBA and nfl are back lol. Huge congrats tho bro, that's amazing. What was the buy in?
these today


And not me

Anyone in EU get exclusive access :nerd:
Re: the guy who got his raffle canceled, Bonkers was the shop and they didn't add that twist until after they announced it was over. Easy to see how people would get caught. I would have too, but the current IG algorithm can bury a post like that.
Dumb question but did the J-Pack Shadows come in both a purple and green box? Looking to pick up a pair and seeing listing with both color boxes. The leather quality of the green box pairs seem off but maybe I'm reading too much into it....
Dumb question but did the J-Pack Shadows come in both a purple and green box? Looking to pick up a pair and seeing listing with both color boxes. The leather quality of the green box pairs seem off but maybe I'm reading too much into it....

Yes, it came in either teal or purple box.
Those questions were difficult for many lol. I knew Vermont was the answer but changed it, it they going 100% correct answers I took an L
Damn, I thought Schweddy Balls was the fake flavor lol

Oh well, went back and did a new survey (under my friend's name)...

GL ya'll
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