3-Year-Old Claims To Remember Who Killed Him In Past Life, Leads Police To Body

Don't kids learn to speak at age 2?

So you're telling me this kid can articulate that well to tell people who clapped him?

Naw, g.


Where's the Ghost Adventurers to debunk this mess.
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Ive got a birthmark on my knee

Mustve taken an arrow to the knee
these stories aint new. I faintly recall reading about a young girl claiming she used to be a WWII pilot that got shot down. She corroborated her claims when they located the wreckage of her plane somewhere in the pacific isles.

while i think this could be possible, not every birthmark = stab wound
Lol @ dudes not knowing this.
2014 and dudes still think they got 1 life smh.
on a side note, theres a theory that gay men are gay because they were female for like over 60% of their past lives. Sorta like the feminine energy rolls over to the next life like a t-mobile minutes plan.
Def. Sounds like "Edge of Tomorrow" film, with Tom Cruise.

story is pretty crazy if true.

People can stop wearing those damn yolo shirts.


It's a crazy world. One go around may be all we need.
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