48÷2(9+3) = ???

Jul 26, 2008
2 or 288

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Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

48/2 (9+3) =
48/2 (12) =

48/24 =


Exactly how I did it in my head. No idea where 288 came from. Some people forgot their order of operations? 
The answer is 2.

BB was going wild with this, Neogaf is also.

Also- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110408055505AA0F9In
[h2]Best Answer - Chosen by Asker[/h2]
Distributive property of multiplication over addition. Early Algebra problem.

The distributive property of multiplication CLEARLY states that the 2(9+3) is an entire statement and CANNOT be broken up. 2(9+3) follows the distributive property which can be rewritten as (2*9+2*3). Let me repeat the 2 outside of the parenthesis follows the distributive property of multiplication and must be factored and simplified before performing any other operations on it. You do NOT compute this expression from left to right until you use Algebra to simplify the statement 2(9+3).

So this can be rewritten as:
48 / (2*9 + 2*3)

Which leaves us with

48 / 24 = 2

Answer = 2.

Lastly for those using Google or any other online calculator. These do not understand many theorems or properties so you must explicitly explain what you mean. There is a difference between 48 / 2 * (9+3) and 48 / 2(9+3). The first notation reads 48 / 2 * 1(9+3) while the second reads 48 / (2*9+2*3). Be very careful with your signs.
  • Edited 5 hours ago

The answer is 2.

BB was going wild with this, Neogaf is also.

Also- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110408055505AA0F9In
[h2]Best Answer - Chosen by Asker[/h2]
Distributive property of multiplication over addition. Early Algebra problem.

The distributive property of multiplication CLEARLY states that the 2(9+3) is an entire statement and CANNOT be broken up. 2(9+3) follows the distributive property which can be rewritten as (2*9+2*3). Let me repeat the 2 outside of the parenthesis follows the distributive property of multiplication and must be factored and simplified before performing any other operations on it. You do NOT compute this expression from left to right until you use Algebra to simplify the statement 2(9+3).

So this can be rewritten as:
48 / (2*9 + 2*3)

Which leaves us with

48 / 24 = 2

Answer = 2.

Lastly for those using Google or any other online calculator. These do not understand many theorems or properties so you must explicitly explain what you mean. There is a difference between 48 / 2 * (9+3) and 48 / 2(9+3). The first notation reads 48 / 2 * 1(9+3) while the second reads 48 / (2*9+2*3). Be very careful with your signs.
  • Edited 5 hours ago

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