
Loved this movie. Torrented it as soon as I got home from the movie and watching it a day later 

These type of movies (This Is the End, etc) can't be taken seriously. You can't go in expecting a good storyline or acting. It's all about comedy and entertainment.

Favorite part was definitely the "Hootie Hoo" call throughout the house once they figured out the police were coming 
But they're movies...you should expect good acting and good storyline...it's a movie, those are inherent in movies.

This movie will win many MTV Awards.
Best fight
Best lead
Best supporting
Best party
Whatever other made up awards they have.
Lol, that fight. When Zac Efron hulk'd out, that was probably the only funny thing he did the whole movie.

I wasn't really too much of a fan of the Bros before **** gag. Could've been funny but the delivery was kinda off.
Lol, that fight. When Zac Efron hulk'd out, that was probably the only funny thing he did the whole movie.

I wasn't really too much of a fan of the Bros before **** gag. Could've been funny but the delivery was kinda off.

The entire theater was dyin' when Franco busted out his "special move" :rofl:
Just finished watching Neighbors.

Dave Franco has a bright future. As well as Zach Efron, kids can act, and this was a comedy; they both showed a range of emotions and hit the mark on 80% of their jokes, i was impressed. Seth Rogan...he cool in small doses, as is his style but I'm over it.

No one is going to comment on how terrible of parents they were. How terrible of people everyone was, and t gets brushed away like everything is sweet...pretty much every person in this movie was a d bag to one another.

That being said, I'm an old person, movies were every other joke is a ****/vagina joke, doesn't appeal to me, in fact I'm kind of offended. Be clever, write good jokes. Riffing off each other is cool for a few scenes but after that its annoying as hell. I don't get this new brand of comedy.

Comedies can take themselves seriously, but first they need to focus on a good movie, then add jokes. Movies like Trading Places, Animal House etc. all had serious parts but managed to stay funny because the stories were well written.

This movie missed the. 'Show don't tell' class at film school; any important thing they could have shown by a characters actions, they just said in the dialogue, it's lazy. Honestly, I think the writing was lazy in general, I'd love to see the shooting script for this movie, I imagine just scenes of 'improv.' They ould have spent more time on the story and less on them riffing; could have broadened the movies world, but it kept it way to focused on the main characters.

Some cheap laughs, but this is a 'cop at Walmart $5 bin' type movie.
exactly... it so reminds me of a forced funny version of animal house/old school.... it just iuno seemed to scripted funny like there was no natural comedy to it. I mean I expect it to do decent seeing the standards for entertainment is so low plus hype and roster...but in terms of grading it against comedies in general it was pretty blah at best. Def a bored on a Saturday and it just happens to be on HBO type of movie.
I think some are just going into this with the wrong expectations. It was pretty much what I expected, an ok not serious comedy.
I thoroughly enjoyed it. I even believe its those comedies that get better after each time you watch it (i.e. Zoolander).

Rose Byrne tho :wow:

p.s. Those weren't her boobies in the breastfeeding scene right??
Lol, that fight. When Zac Efron hulk'd out, that was probably the only funny thing he did the whole movie.

I wasn't really too much of a fan of the Bros before **** gag. Could've been funny but the delivery was kinda off.

The entire theater was dyin' when Franco busted out his "special move" :rofl:

I don't remember what that was. I guess I missed it :lol:
Lol, that fight. When Zac Efron hulk'd out, that was probably the only funny thing he did the whole movie.

I wasn't really too much of a fan of the Bros before **** gag. Could've been funny but the delivery was kinda off.

The entire theater was dyin' when Franco busted out his "special move" :rofl:

I don't remember what that was. I guess I missed it :lol:

When Efron and Franco had each other by the nuts and he did his erection move :lol:
Neighbors was funny on a I Love You, Man level. Maybe even Get Him to the Greek.

I liked it.

Assjuice. :lol:
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Movie was funny to me as well. Whatever storyline. No clever jokes but the delivery was in point.
I saw the movie on Friday and it was okay. Some funny parts but wasn't that great. Funniest part was when Zac and that other dude started saying different variations of "Bros before H***"

Brad Pit before Brad C***
Masturbate before ask her to date
Man Purse before....regular purse

That's all I remembered :lol:

I actually liked the movie

Bert and Ernie before squirt and spermie
Bin Ladin....before Jasmine...from Aladdin

Thought the movie was funny. Idk how or what the hell will make you guys laugh but it was funny was it non stop omg I can't stop laughing funny no, but it was funny and that mood switch was part of the character development which seems most of you guys missed.
only my second date night since my son was born 16 months ago. even bought pop corn and hot dogs :nthat:
movie was a perfect one for our night out. last time we saw prisoners (about child abduction) and that put a damper on the mood :lol:
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