7 Fighting 1: Chicago/Bridgeport NTer's

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Thanks guy above me. I have people I want to show this too. Losing faith in humanity man

Dude holding the camera is prob sending 80 texts trying to get them not to take him down with them.
reuploaded here:

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

found this on the comments on youtube:

Todd Ramos grey+black hoodie
Ray Long white boy
Wesley wu who deleted his facebook - grey hoodie, the main dude that kept hitting him
Easley Wu little junior here, the big puffy jacket with fur hood + blue striped adias pants
Johnny Li, blue hoodie + blue snap back on,
Danny Hui dressed all black, northface jacket? o-o; black shoes,

dude with no mask facebook: https://www.facebook.com/...e.php?id=100000084697291

Say goodbye to their lives.

Call down they didn't kill the guy or use a weapon.  They gonna get time for gang/mob violence, attempted robbery, assault, etc. tho but don't say it like they shot a cop or something.

You think theyre going to get good jobs after this? Go to school? Prob not its a wrap for all of them. Not to mention the eventual suit that the asian person is going to bring against all their families. Its beyond over for them
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Call down they didn't kill the guy or use a weapon.  They gonna get time for gang/mob violence, attempted robbery, assault, etc. tho but don't say it like they shot a cop or something.

Actually, they did use a weapon. 2 that I counted actually. 
1. They hit him in the head with a shoe,

2. and they kicked him in the head. Kicking someone (when down?) is considered using a weapon. Shod foot I believe..
And they didn't shoot a cop, ya, they didn't take a life, but this is horrible and if you are the type of person to do this, you're scum. They deserve the worst they can get.
pathetic.. not only their plan but their execution of it

how you gonna have 7 dudes all taking free shots at this kid and no one knocks him out

plus he straight usain bolt'd on all of them after taking a beating

co-sign dude who said they should be hung by the balls
I never wish bad upon another person, but seeing the desperation and plea of mercy from his eyes and trembling voice....

I hope these kids get touched, in juvie, prison or wherever they go. No sane man keeps hitting someone after they beg for them to stop.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Sneaky

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

found this on the comments on youtube:

Todd Ramos grey+black hoodie
Ray Long white boy
Wesley wu who deleted his facebook - grey hoodie, the main dude that kept hitting him
Easley Wu little junior here, the big puffy jacket with fur hood + blue striped adias pants
Johnny Li, blue hoodie + blue snap back on,
Danny Hui dressed all black, northface jacket? o-o; black shoes,

dude with no mask facebook: https://www.facebook.com/...e.php?id=100000084697291

Say goodbye to their lives.

Call down they didn't kill the guy or use a weapon.  They gonna get time for gang/mob violence, attempted robbery, assault, etc. tho but don't say it like they shot a cop or something.
You don't think when those kid interview/compete for a job the company is going to look at their record? See attempted robbery, assault, gang/mob violence, etc. they're going to get the job?

I'd go as far as attempted murder. If he didn't get away whose knows what those kids would have done.
Won't watch video because I feel that's supporting this type of nonsense. Hopefully they catch the criminals
That was brutal, way too many kicks to the head.
I hope dudes will never get a decent paying job, living pay check to pay check until they die.
havent been this pissed in a minute. i would have dropped all them dudes. cant stand people that see stuff like this and do nothing smh
They're not worth the air they breath. It's a wonder how they were the first ones to the egg. Pigs...
10 strokes in each of their butts for everytime one of them said n_gga. They got #*%#%* up by that one white dude showing his face clearly.

Justice will come.

[/h1][h1]Cops: Attack, robbery on teen captured on Youtub[/h1]
10:51 p.m. CST, January 16, 2012

Detectives are investigating the beating of a 17-year-old boy by several male attackers Sunday afternoon in the Bridgeport neighborhood in an incident that was captured on YouTube, police said.

The attack happened between 4 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. in an alley in the 2800 block of South Princeton Avenue, according to police News Affairs Officer Daniel O'Brien.

The 17-year-old boy was battered by several unknown male suspects and was robbed of a pair of gym shoes, his wallet and cash, said O'Brien.

He has been released from Mercy Hospital and Medical Center for a laceration to his lip, bruising and abrasions, according to the officer.

A video was being circulated on YouTube that "matches pretty closely'' with what happened on Princeton, O'Brien said. "It's become a big deal because of the video,'' O'Brien said of the attack.

The video shows at least five males, including a one wearing a black mask who appeared to possibly be the ringleader, punching the victim multiple times.

At least once, the victim falls and blood can be seen on his lip but they keep after him, kicking him to the body and head when he is lying on the snow-covered ground.

The victim eventually gets up and appears to be trying to reason with the attackers, but the beating continues. Finally, the teen sees an opening and takes off running, but the suspects follow him down the alley.

According to a law enforcement source, the robbers took $180 from him and the incident is being classified as a "strongarm robbery.''

O'Brien said there was nothing to indicate the victim is a student.

As of late Monday, no one was in custody, but Wentworth Area detectives were continuing their investigation.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

That was brutal, way too many kicks to the head.
I hope dudes will never get a decent paying job, living pay check to pay check until they die.
better reply than the "I wish they die" responses 
I wish I would've been walking past that alley after playing baseball

I WISH I could take all my anger out on a group of people like that

Originally Posted by MonStar1

I heard the N word 1000 times...
  *insert Paul Mooney quote*

Anyways they picked the right dude to jump. One of those clowns should've caught a haymaker, elbow, kick or something.  My man was on some Ghandi type self defense.  He did show some impressive break away speed at the end tho.

Its sad what people do for attention.  It's not enough to rob somebody or fight somebody they have to record it too...then upload to youtube. Dummies and attention whoress.
wait... what?
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