9 year old girl dies after being forced to run for 3 hrs for lying about eating candy bars...SMDH

i don't even think lying about eating a candy bar justifies a beating

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

I understand them making her run as punishment but 3 hours. Why would you do that?

please don't have any children

whats wrong with making a girl run as punishment? kids run at the park all the time (maybe not for 3 hours)
Originally Posted by Patent2305

I hope these 2 get worked in prison 24 hours a day..sad for the little girl.
how can u punish ur own daughter like that. 
no one would have guessed that the child would die though. If the child was still alive, people(depending on region) would say that this was normal. STILL DISGUSTING THOUGH.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

I understand them making her run as punishment but 3 hours. Why would you do that?

please don't have any children

whats wrong with making a girl run as punishment? kids run at the park all the time (maybe not for 3 hours)
Nothing is wrong with that at all. 3 hours is way OD though. They should of known better than that.
Moral to this story is lie about eating the candy bars.  I can't imagine what they had planned as punishment if the little girl did something actually bad.
RIP to her i hope they both do serious time.  It said she died days later from dehydration.  So they prob neglected the signs of that as well.  If she was just taken to a hospital and maybe got an I.V. this would have all been avoided. 
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by MonStar1

please don't have any children

whats wrong with making a girl run as punishment? kids run at the park all the time (maybe not for 3 hours)
Nothing is wrong with that at all. 3 hours is way OD though. They should of known better than that.

Run? Is this the Army? I'm for discipline but what is the kid learning from running?  Eat candy now you have to workout?  Naw there's a better alternative.

over a damn candy bar..... yes people, its normal for children to eat candy!!!

SMH....... RIP little girl.
Originally Posted by gConquer

no one would have guessed that the child would die though. If the child was still alive, people(depending on region) would say that this was normal. STILL DISGUSTING THOUGH.

Pretty much. We're all captain hindsight in here. I mean, I dont find running as a form of punishment that absurd, btu 3 hours is crazy.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by oidreez

whats wrong with making a girl run as punishment? kids run at the park all the time (maybe not for 3 hours)
Nothing is wrong with that at all. 3 hours is way OD though. They should of known better than that.

Run? Is this the Army? I'm for discipline but what is the kid learning from running?  Eat candy now you have to workout?  Naw there's a better alternative.

It's really not that uncommon...I've had to do push ups and stuff at school for punishment way back in the day.
I see nothing wrong with making her run, but for that length of time is insane.
Yeah, Had the girl ran for 3 hours and NOT died... People would have praised the parents for disciplining their child with out hitting them...

And its not like the girl ran for 3 hours straight... not really probable.

BUT...if they with held water from the girl, THEN THATS A PROBLEM.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Yeah, Had the girl ran for 3 hours and NOT died... People would have praised the parents for disciplining their child with out hitting them...

And its not like the girl ran for 3 hours straight... not really probable.

BUT...if they with held water from the girl, THEN THATS A PROBLEM.
3 hours? 
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Yeah, Had the girl ran for 3 hours and NOT died... People would have praised the parents for disciplining their child with out hitting them...

And its not like the girl ran for 3 hours straight... not really probable.

BUT...if they with held water from the girl, THEN THATS A PROBLEM.
3 hours? 
Fam, You honestly think this girl ran for 3 Straight hours??? be real...
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Yeah, Had the girl ran for 3 hours and NOT died... People would have praised the parents for disciplining their child with out hitting them...

And its not like the girl ran for 3 hours straight... not really probable.

BUT...if they with held water from the girl, THEN THATS A PROBLEM.
3 hours? 
Fam, You honestly think this girl ran for 3 Straight hours??? be real...

honesty this just shows how bad of shape and how house ridden kids are today... One she didnt run 3 hrs str8. Also i mean the age isnt even that much... When i was younger i use to go to the bball court etc, or play football, have street races etc for hrs on in. Longer then 3 hrs and like barely got tired.

Thats the saddest part of the story. smh at ppl really thinking this girl was running top speed for 3hrs consecutive without stopping..

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by StillIn729

3 hours? 
Fam, You honestly think this girl ran for 3 Straight hours??? be real...

honesty this just shows how bad of shape and how house ridden kids are today... One she didnt run 3 hrs str8. Also i mean the age isnt even that much... When i was younger i use to go to the bball court etc, or play football, have street races etc for hrs on in. Longer then 3 hrs and like barely got tired.

Thats the saddest part of the story. smh at ppl really thinking this girl was running top speed for 3hrs consecutive without stopping..


Thank you...I wanted to make those exact same points, but the girl died and I didn't want to seem too insensitive...

I use to run around for hours as a child... The running didn't kill her... I'm assuming they weren't letting her hydrate her self maybe?...They said she died days later...
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Fam, You honestly think this girl ran for 3 Straight hours??? be real...

honesty this just shows how bad of shape and how house ridden kids are today... One she didnt run 3 hrs str8. Also i mean the age isnt even that much... When i was younger i use to go to the bball court etc, or play football, have street races etc for hrs on in. Longer then 3 hrs and like barely got tired.

Thats the saddest part of the story. smh at ppl really thinking this girl was running top speed for 3hrs consecutive without stopping..


Thank you...I wanted to make those exact same points, but the girl died and I didn't want to seem too insensitive...

I use to run around for hours as a child... The running didn't kill her... I'm assuming they weren't letting her hydrate her self maybe?...They said she died days later...

like i said you not gonna be in any kinda of shape when the only exercise you get is thumb workouts and wii. then mix that with probably eating nuttin but fast-food junk, proccessed food, and pop, kool-aid etc all the time. And as far as the hydrate part that really isnt that bad... when i did bct for the army years ago We did a 18 mi march with 150 rucks and stopping about every three 3hrs for water etc... and hell that was in ft benning in the summer full dressed head to toe full battle rattle in like 110+ heat..
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