A teacher had a miscarriage trying to break a fight

Aug 4, 2010
A beloved Bronx teacher had a miscarriage Wednesday after she was hit trying to break up a fight between two students, sources and students told the Daily News.

The teacher, who was four months pregnant, was teaching her fifth period Spanish class at Exploration Academy in the Claremont section of the Bronx when the assault occurred.

A student arrived five minutes late, walked up to another student who was already seated and told him to get out of his desk, students said.

When the seated student refused, the conflict escalated and the teacher tried to intervene. She was accidentally elbowed in the stomach and fell to the ground, crying.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local...oom_fight_when_student_elb.html#ixzz17jLnisei

smh i dont even know what to say.frigging kids son i know teachers arent suppose to be breaking up fights and leaving kids alone but geeez
A beloved Bronx teacher had a miscarriage Wednesday after she was hit trying to break up a fight between two students, sources and students told the Daily News.

The teacher, who was four months pregnant, was teaching her fifth period Spanish class at Exploration Academy in the Claremont section of the Bronx when the assault occurred.

A student arrived five minutes late, walked up to another student who was already seated and told him to get out of his desk, students said.

When the seated student refused, the conflict escalated and the teacher tried to intervene. She was accidentally elbowed in the stomach and fell to the ground, crying.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local...oom_fight_when_student_elb.html#ixzz17jLnisei

smh i dont even know what to say.frigging kids son i know teachers arent suppose to be breaking up fights and leaving kids alone but geeez
,feel terrible for what that teacher must be going through right now.
Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Why is a pregnant teacher tryin' to break up a fight? 

Sad situation, but I have to agree.  She had no business stepping in between the kids fighting.  I feel so bad for her

Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Why is a pregnant teacher tryin' to break up a fight? 

Sad situation, but I have to agree.  She had no business stepping in between the kids fighting.  I feel so bad for her

This is a really sad story. My condolences go out to the teacher and her family.
I would beat the bejesus out of tough kid who was late. What kind of punk asterisk kid does that? Unless there were assigned seats and his seat got taken, he has no right to get a seat that isn't his, especially if class had already started. But even then, just grab a frigging seat somewhere else.
Kids got no respect for anything these days.
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