Accidental Child Porn Download Sending Man To Prison

Nov 25, 2007
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[h4]'Accidental' Download Sending Man To Prison[/h4]
Matthew White, 22, said he was surfing for pornography two years ago on Limewire -- a fire sharing application that allows users to trade music, movies,games and pictures -- when he discovered that some of the files he had downloaded were images of children.

Matt claims he quickly erased the files.

"It didn't appeal to me," he said. "I was looking for women my age, so I just wanted to d More..ownload 'College Girls Gone Wild' and accidentally downloaded underagepornography."

About a year later, FBI agents showed up at his family's home. The family agreed to let agents examine the computer, and at first, they couldn't findanything.

Investigators later were able to recover the deleted images from deep within the hard drive.

"I asked them, 'Where did you get that? I don't remember that.' I asked them, 'Could I access that if I wanted to?'" Matt said."They said no."

Facing 20 years in prison for possessing child pornography, Matt is pleading guilty on the advice of his public defender in hopes of getting a three and a halfyear sentence. He will also serve 10 years probation and have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Matt's father says other parents need to be warned about the consequences of stumbling across illicit material.

"One day, you're going to get a knock on the door and have your child taken away for many years," he said.

The FBI could not comment on this specific case, but said if child pornography is ever downloaded accidentally, the user needs to call authorities immediately.They may confiscate your computer, but it's better than the alternative.

Internet searches reveal a large number of complaints from people who say they've accidentally downloaded child pornography through Limewire.

thats stupid, how you accidentally download child porn


accidentally though
smh @ the public defender

3.5 yrs of his life plus the lifetime stigma of being known as a pervert cause some idiot wanted to rename child porn files as girls gone wild.. and even ifthat wasn't the case, i'm sure he didn't have hundreds of these files so the fact that our taxes are paying for the FBI to investigate this kid isjust as appalling.

the american justice system never fails to disgust me.
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

the fact that our taxes are paying for the FBI to investigate this kid is just as appalling.

the american justice system never fails to disgust me.
the thing is, like most cases it costs so much $$$ just to pursue it, that it becomes an investment and they just want to find someone guilty.
I know 2 people that went on trial for murder... it costs a million dollars on average... they want some kind of "return" on that investment, not amistrial or hung jury.
wow that is ridiculous. scary though because i've downloaded many porno movies and honestly how do you 100% know the chickisn't under 18?
"I asked them, 'Where did you get that? I don't remember that.' I asked them, 'Could I access that if I wanted to?'" Matt said. "They said no."

something was definitely fishy there
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

the fact that our taxes are paying for the FBI to investigate this kid is just as appalling.

the american justice system never fails to disgust me.
the thing is, like most cases it costs so much $$$ just to pursue it, that it becomes an investment and they just want to find someone guilty.
I know 2 people that went on trial for murder... it costs a million dollars on average... they want some kind of "return" on that investment, not a mistrial or hung jury.

exactly.. and that money comes out of their budgets.. which comes from where again?? that's right.. all of our pockets.

don't forget to add the fact that our taxes will be paying for the 30,000+ per year its gonna cost to keep him caged up.
Originally Posted by TheSouthside

thats stupid, how you accidentally download child porn


accidentally though
people label videos incorrectly on purpose and post it on the internet

what i don't understand is if it was a one time thing and he never searched for it again why is he getting arrested for ?
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

Originally Posted by TheSouthside

trapmuzik617 wrote:

ThunderChunk69 wrote:

*buys the domain*
shut up son, and quit sayin dead
You shut up "son". Dont u have more 15 year olds u need to fap to u pedo?

them girls he be posting are fine though.
newsgroups FTW. but seriously, the file he was downloading was copyrighted AS-IS... so he was taking a risk to begin with. It's unfortunate for him, butyou put yourself at risk when you do that kinda stuff.
There are a lot of details that could possibly help him out or at least clarify how deplorable he is. I mean, if they scan his hard drive and find tons oflegitimate porn, and this one, single, slight trace that he obviously deleted and couldn't even find if he wanted to, they should be able to draw theconnection that he obviously didn't want it or intend to have it. Three years and a lifetime registration as an offender for an accident under the terms Iexplained would be cruel and unusual punishment. However, if they found that he has a lot of questionable material hidden in the hard drive that he thought hegot ride of, that's another story.
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