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Good to hear sns is going forward with the raffle of those successful entries. Now we wait to hear we didnt win :\

Today is the day ADC will send out the rest of the shipping emails I can feel it
I still find it hard to believe 20k people got in. Not many talking on Twitter, haven't seen any on FB, and under 5k comments on the IG posts... And most of those kids received L's. 1 for every 200 comments is someone who actually got in. After multiples and bot entries are sifted through I thin chances will increase.
I still find it hard to believe 20k people got in. Not many talking on Twitter, haven't seen any on FB, and under 5k comments on the IG posts... And most of those kids received L's. 1 for every 200 comments is someone who actually got in. After multiples and bot entries are sifted through I thin chances will increase.
When everything is good, the most don't say anything ^^, I saw a tons on "unfollow" but for the next release, they will be in for cop hahaha!!! I got in but that wait is long grr
When everything is good, the most don't say anything ^^, I saw a tons on "unfollow" but for the next release, they will be in for cop hahaha!!! I got in but that wait is long grr

On the bright side it's like 4 pm out there. We should know by this evening - tomorrow morning.
As a person living in Sweden, may I ask what you mean? :smile:

You know full well what i mean lol. Pick any of the 1000 reasons. Sweden has particularly suffered under that Dictatorship & only getting worse.

England leaving the dreadful European Union like
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got 3 emails signed up for the newsletter and none of them got it yet damn. apparently went live like 9 mins ago
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