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Best to just accept that these are for wearing rather than selling. And that’s the way they should be.

That’s why I want a 2nd pair — will prolly need a backup at some point in a yr or 2.
Camping for a shoe that is going for roughly $250 above retail makes no freaking sense. I'm sure some will say they enjoy it or its the experience but that right there looks miserable AF.
Ehh...I don't feel that strongly. Saving 100 percent of the purchase price is legit as **** and honestly if I didn't have to do baby duty in the morning when my wife heads to orientation I would be out there as well. Those folks gave a guarantedd pair. Dont see it too differently than the all nughters going on here.
Did anyone else just get a weird Par 5 Milano email? It doesnt say I won the raffle, but it gives me instructions about how to purchase the shoes. but on the site they're sold out
To be honest, with how the EU tax incoming parcels, Europeans should not go for YS drop as the tax on it would bring it to resale price anyway with the current pricing.
Lemme jump In front of everybody on the Eu line and get tossed out :lol:
Even with these numbers I know I won’t get through footsites and I still to this day have never been able to buy anything on adidas **** site. I’m relying on ys
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