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anything else about the kid who bought the bra on accident? That really sucked. Also he like posted his address or something right?
lucked out and got another pair on my own right at the end. hope the order goes through...nothing official that lil box is shipped
I never had so many issues with ADC.

Carted a pair and hit submit order. And just looped then the page died.
Constant payment loops after getting through 5 times.
Two times that stupid Chase verification thing screwed me over.
ADC dumping my carts.
I'm so skurred of hitting the F5 button while stuck in a loop. Afraid of it taking you back to the hell of splashing.
Hoping to provide hope for some as I hit on two different browser sessions, got stuck in payment loop. I tried on 5 different devices (some on my network, some not), different browsers, used different cards, and still no luck. Reset router, brought up new browser sessions and logged into my account and was finally able to process it through. I got my confirmation shortly after. Keep trying guys...

Thanks, this actually worked. Went thru splash, but got cart jacked while trying to check out.
I never had so many issues with ADC.

Carted a pair and hit submit order. And just looped then the page died.
Constant payment loops after getting through 5 times.
Two times that stupid Chase verification thing screwed me over.
ADC dumping my carts.

I had the payment loop but I was signed into my account so they were in my cart. I got around it by Xing out of that browser and then opening up Adidas in a different browser. It let me check out that time.
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