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I hit the order on Saturday morning for the triple white without problem, got the tracking number but no confirmation email from Adidas. 

Was worried and called Adidas regarding this issue, so far I've made 4 calls and all they told me is that there is no problem with my order, and it would be shipped to me no matter what. They've been telling that they are receiving some kind of overload these days and that might be the reason I did not receive my confirmation email. This morning, I received the confirmation email from ADC that was supposed to be here since the day I placed my order.

I know most (or at least some) have also received a confirmation that the item is already shipped, but my status is still on the packaging and waiting to be shipped. This morning, I made another call to Adidas and the customer service assistant assured me that the order is in their database and it would ship in a few days. 

Big LOSE? Or would these 4 customer service assistant be right? And does the late confirmation email (titled 'Game On') show that my order is processing and won't be cancelled?
Gotta relax bro.    If they didn't tell you it was a problem with your payment your order went through.  Same happened to me.  Ordered 2 pairs but only 1 confirm email received.  Didn't panic altho I did take notice.  Called Sunday morning and they said all was well and payment processed.  Asked them to resend email conf.  Finally this morning it came through.  When copping yeezys from adc as long as that payment goes through you're good.   Everything else can be worked out through customer service. 
I can't be the only one tired of selecting store fronts.

lol this, the worst :x but it was the mountains that almost got me this time around on YS. Some of the images appeared to be dirt roads with a very faint hump which made me frustrated cuz it was the furthest thing from a mountain lol, more like a speed bump.
But I eventually got it right. :smokin
Man, it must really suck if someone has not ever, not even once gone through the splash page
Team stuck on splash checking in 
Should I be worried if i didn't get shipping confirmation yet from adidas??? I've been cancelled before for gum 750. So if I get cancelled again I'm calling adidas and throwing a tantrum.
That's nuts

Once in a lifetime opportunity 
That's nothing. Mom and pop shop in San Diego got a surprise shipment of Blinks. Dude walks and freaks. Buys one and the owner said would you like to buy more? Dude buys entire stock. Jackpot! Too bad it wasn't me.
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lol this, the worst
but it was the mountains that almost got me this time around on YS. Some of the images appeared to be dirt roads with a very faint hump which made me frustrated cuz it was the furthest thing from a mountain lol, more like a speed bump.
But I eventually got it right.
Factz! Couldn't decide if it was a mountain, a mount of, a hill or just trees! smh and then u hafta wait for them to reappear! Nerve racking!
Should I be worried if i didn't get shipping confirmation yet from adidas??? I've been cancelled before for gum 750. So if I get cancelled again I'm calling adidas and throwing a tantrum.
Can I be brutally honest? You're never safe until you receive them in hand. You have zero control over it so let it play out how it's going to and stop worrying.
Should I be worried if i didn't get shipping confirmation yet from adidas??? I've been cancelled before for gum 750. So if I get cancelled again I'm calling adidas and throwing a tantrum.

It's Monday. Not even Monday evening at that.
Should I be worried if i didn't get shipping confirmation yet from adidas??? I've been cancelled before for gum 750. So if I get cancelled again I'm calling adidas and throwing a tantrum.


if nothing by Wednesday morning then id start panicking

I haven't gone one yet BTW
I'm 0/2 on ADCa confirmations so far. Not sweating yet, I didn't get my Zebra confirmation until Wednesday afternoon.
You guys that are waiting on your confirmation, just call and they will email you the confirmation if your order went through.
You guys that are waiting on your confirmation, just call and they will email you the confirmation if your order went through.
Shipping confirmations or order confirmations? I got my order confirmations right away, waiting on the shipping ones.
You guys that are waiting on your confirmation, just call and they will email you the confirmation if your order went through.

most talking shipment confirmation

idk why order confirmations are that serious, if it went through and you got the order number you're good.
Breds took 5 business days to get shipping from ADC

Y'all gotta relaxxxxxx, the shoes will either get to you or not. 90% if you got your order # you're fine. Ain't nothing you can do about it so just chill out and quit stressing about getting a shipping confirmation

Life will be better when you aren't stressing about how fast shoes get shipped out to you :smile:
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