ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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Looking for the rookie eBay seller on RD who doesn't know the market!

Quick snag for a reasonable price lol
Wishful thinking
im dying at quencidence lmfaooooo 
The page loaded earlier today, and I can tell you the pepper isn't there...yet. It won't be there until they switch the shoe live on the server.
Same here. It loaded perfectly fine for at least 2-3h earlier today when everyone forgot about it and they simply added the product and sizes, but you won't be able to add anything to the cart. But I guess that also means it'll only be seconds before the sell out with literally the entire US waiting for it now.
Same here. It loaded perfectly fine for at least 2-3h earlier today when everyone forgot about it and they simply added the product and sizes, but you won't be able to add anything to the cart. But I guess that also means it'll only be seconds before the sell out with literally the entire US waiting for it now.
It will be seconds before it sells out. Too much info already leaked for it with the link being public.

I'm sure FNL noticed high activity on the product page from bots/page monitors and redirected it to the splash for now. The sad part is that without changing the product ID before launch they will be taken to the cleaners before the average person can click even "add to cart".
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