After 5 years, MrChiCity is back!

Chi city was a head of his time maybe

Like others have said, he would've made millions of dollars in today's social media environment

For you dudes saying he was ahead of the social media times and could have made millions if he started today, maybe, but I don't think he even wants that. :pimp:.

#Mr. $7.63 an hour

Saw this on my Youtube feed a little while ago and had it playing in the background. Def still the same dude. He has a funny story in there about hanging out with Chief Keef... but why did the video end so randomly? lol
will watch.

and as for it ending abruptly it did say it was livestreamed so maybe battery died or wifi disconnect?? I haven't seen the vid yet so.....
My dude really was ahead of his time

Chris from POG always reminded me of him for some reason [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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