Air Jordan 7 Retro “Hare” - May 16, 2015

If i recall from my highschool math days, if the odds of each raffle are equal then your odds are the same regardless of how many raffles you enter

Ummm, I'm fairly certain that's not right. While your individual odds remain the same regardless of how many raffles you enter; your overall odds increase, sooo it's better to enter as many as possible.

Just saying...
Footlocker better stop playing. This is my first raffle. Where's my beginner's luck?
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Entered 1 raffle in BK and won, mass production on these.

Hope everyone eats well 
Ive actually only won house of hoops raffles and ive entered for all other stores. i think all the spots are shady. I see resellers with multiple pairs already and i cant even get a raffle call on these. Im not paying a reseller. Ill wait til hype dies down and buy them from a kid that only bought cuz of hype and then realized he dont even really like them. Plus im sure ill be able to cop Online. Fingers crossed
If i recall from my highschool math days, if the odds of each raffle are equal then your odds are the same regardless of how many raffles you enter


Ummm, I'm fairly certain that's not right. While your individual odds remain the same regardless of how many raffles you enter; your overall odds increase, sooo it's better to enter as many as possible.

Just saying...

Ummm, I'm fairly certain that's not right. While your individual odds remain the same regardless of how many raffles you enter; your overall odds increase, sooo it's better to enter as many as possible.

Just saying...

"The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side."
Got a call from Shoe Palace during my lunch for my boy's pair. :smokin I wanted these but the rest of this month and next month is :x
I decided not to ride all over the city for these and go extra hard for the chi 1's. I refuse to blow 2 days of my life with this horrible ATL traffic.

i feel ya on that... just a 5 min ride to mall near me won 3/4 raffles..... will def drive alot more for chi 1s
Call backs were like when i tried to get the 11's I entered like 20 raffles no call backs. Then ended up with 3 pair on release day online!!!

Don't worry guys we will feast
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