Air-Jordan III "True-Blues" early

What the %#%$, why would you make this topic? Do a search, stop contributing to hype.
So far they are an International point of waiting unless you live in Canada or Europe.
Not saying that I would pay it, but $250 isn't a terrible price to get a shoe next week that might not release in the US until next year. Chancesare you're gonna pay close to that if you cop on ebay from overseas in August anyway.

But for me personally I never pay more than retail just to get a shoe early... I'll take my chances and wait these out.
Originally Posted by wagonracer7

Hey guys, heres a link to buy the Air Jordan III "True-Blues" early if you dont wanna wait. Just figured Id give y'all the heads up.
thanks for the sneakgeekz link
cause he is a stupid newbie.

he thinks he has found treasure when he only found an empty tuna can...




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