Air Jordan V White / Carolina Blue

Copped instantly
the stealths are nasty but i do like the carolina colors.....shouldve ls'd these instead of the olive's.....or thrown the laser on that shoe and rareair that....i wasn't feelin the olive and orange
Not a tar heels fan, but these are fire. They need to drop these instead of all that bs that is coming.
They need to drop these instead of all that bs that is coming.
Any White/Blue based sneaker combination would've been far greater than the uninspired colourways in the packages!
them is streight and yea they were specialy sold on the asai part of the world ////they clean not feeling em much but shure to breaks some necks
"Those would be some lady killers. Si, por favor"

Agreed. Haven't heard that term in while, thanks,
Reminds me of some good times...

"them is streight and yea they were specialy sold on the asai part of the world ////they clean not feeling em muchbut shure to breaks some necks "

Ummmmm......what? these aren't out anywhere bro....
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