Air McFly Rendition

Jan 3, 2010
Bored in school, so i made this. Got some inspiration from the mclfy hypermax (colorway) and the lebron vii (360 air bag). tell me how you like it. thanks
thanks for the great feedback (or constructive critisism) *sarcasm* yeah this is like my first drawing. so i learning the ropes
Originally Posted by gswarriorz

I like how the Nike logo is not even on the shoe

even though the drawing is not great that is how a professional rendering would be.  To show what wraps around the shoe, a lot of times that is how they do it.
Dude seriously, are you being serious? This is not even about being constructive. Ask yourself this. Would you wear anything that looked like that? Maybe when you practice more you should use a ruler and look at other shoe drawings. Criticism is exactly what it sounds like, critical When you make something that looks terrible then people will laugh. Keep trying though. I am sure you will get better.
obvioulsy im not the best artist, but since i thought it was okay for 5 minutes work, i thought i'd post it. and Fresh LIke Will, there is only one ketchupking, but i keep the 2 on there because i like it.
needs work.  needs more detail. 

Maybe when you practice more you should use a ruler and look at other shoe drawings. Criticism is exactly what it sounds like, critical When you make something that looks terrible then people will laugh. Keep trying though. I am sure you will get better.

haha just keep at it i guess? I guess the sketches will get more deep as your skills increase?
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