Another Amazing Vacation. Vol. China


thanks for sharing, traveling is a real joy imo

seeing diff culture and diff parts of our planet

im gonna do japan in 2017, OP i sent you a private message when you get a chance.
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OP went to Yu Garden and line up for their famous dumpling?? hahaha that line up idk why always pack and crowded , at least you have to line up for 20-30 minutes :x

Yea the line wasn't so bad. I got lucky maybe 10 minutes at most
This is what always gets me about these threads bruh lol.

Trying to compile my own travel list, seeing a dope post from an NT'er, then remembering, "damn man im black I can't go to ______ and enjoy myself"

What? Why can't you go and enjoy yourself?
Thought OP was black...

This is what always gets me about these threads bruh lol.

Trying to compile my own travel list, seeing a dope post from an NT'er, then remembering, "damn man im black I can't go to ______ and enjoy myself"

My dude what on earth?

From one black man to another, the places on the this planet most deserving of that mindset are here in America.

That said can't have that mindset man. The earth is your turf, who cares if anyone disagrees.

I've traveled quite a few places including central and eastern Europe. Some of the places I'd least expect were the most genuine and welcoming to me as a black man. Places I maybe had ignorant assumptions about prior to visiting like Croatia and Serbia.

My man I promise you, being American and specifically a young black American, is categorically a massive asset every where I've ever been.
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 nice homie.

NT denim
My dude what on earth?

From one black man to another, the places on the this planet most deserving of that mindset are here in America.

That said can't have that mindset man. The earth is your turf, who cares if anyone disagrees.

I've traveled quite a few places including central and eastern Europe. Some of the places I'd least expect were the most genuine and welcoming to me as a black man. Places I maybe had ignorant assumptions about prior to visiting like Croatia and Serbia.

My man I promise you, being American and specifically a young black American, is categorically a massive asset every where I've ever been.

Exactly lol. I dunno what dude was talkin bout
Dope pics. How difficult was it to get around without speaking Chinese?

I actually did a group tour on this trip. First time doing it and it was pretty cool. When i did go out on my own the people at the stores spoke very little English but it was enough to get by
Saw your post about china in the travel thread. This is my post from when i went in 2015. You'll have a great time if u guys decide to go.
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