Anti - jokes

Roses are red

Violets are also red from me slitting my wrist while gardening
Originally Posted by 2sappy

heres a good one. Long read!:

A farmer had a decent racing horse that one day had twins. He called the twins Edward and Tobias. The colts were incredibly healthy and competitive, from a young age they would run together. Whenever the farmer would lay out some new hay or corn feed, the two colts would race, pushing each other as hard as they could to see who would win. Tobias always won, but it was always a close race. The farmer, noticing how competitive they were, decided to enter them in a racing competition.

Their first race both horses were very excited. Ed said to Tobias “Good luck, may the best horse win.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NONE of these are funny!!! [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Pretty much read every joke w/ this face afterwards....[/color]
"Q:What did the duck say to the elephant after he walked into the strip club wearing a tie?

i almost died laughing at that one
Originally Posted by JBnSOUL

You guys are laughing at the ones that aren't that funny.  Actually, none of these are that funny.  Sure they made me smirk, a little bit but not a full hearty laugh...You guys have no sense of humor...

I agree 100% but then again we're in a ANTI-JOKE thread.
why didn't the old man stop talking?

-because he had alot to say

why didn't this particular bus driver need a license to drive?

- because the bus driver was a license.

why did the man get rained on for his birthday?

- he stepped outside in it.
I was expecting that horse one to be something stupid at the end but not that stupid.
Kinda mad that I read that whole thing but can't do anything but laugh at how dumb it was
Originally Posted by JBnSOUL

You guys are laughing at the ones that aren't that funny.  Actually, none of these are that funny.  Sure they made me smirk, a little bit but not a full hearty laugh...You guys have no sense of humor...

 Best one forsure! You should def write a book my man. People would go nuts for your material.
Originally Posted by KUPRELLI

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NONE of these are funny!!! [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Pretty much read every joke w/ this face afterwards....[/color]
Thats ironic.  Thats the face the rest of us made after reading your post.  
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Originally Posted by 2sappy

heres a good one. Long read!:

A farmer had a decent racing horse that one day had twins. He called the twins Edward and Tobias. The colts were incredibly healthy and competitive, from a young age they would run together. Whenever the farmer would lay out some new hay or corn feed, the two colts would race, pushing each other as hard as they could to see who would win. Tobias always won, but it was always a close race. The farmer, noticing how competitive they were, decided to enter them in a racing competition.

Their first race both horses were very excited. Ed said to Tobias “Good luck, may the best horse win.
A boy is laying dead on the floor with a knife in his hand, what killed him?

Substance abuse and depression.
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