Any Golfers on NT?

i love my 60... to me 64 is OD if you can hit your 60 good

kobetwo is that an at-home putting green?
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

In the market of for a 60-64 degree wedge. Was on checking out some and was wondering if the 64 degree is too much and should just stick with the 60.

64 is way to much imo...stick with a 60 or even a 58

i have a 54 and a 58 titleist vokey spin milled oil them...bent them to be 53 and 57 degrees 

and Kobetwo- nice scotty but why wud u put lead tape on the bottom. just to add weight? id be to scared to do that with mine

bout to go play nine with my boys in about 30...we usually play 3 bucks a hole and lets just say there is no way there are even gonna be close to me. buhahahahaha
Originally Posted by youngmoney

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

In the market of for a 60-64 degree wedge. Was on checking out some and was wondering if the 64 degree is too much and should just stick with the 60.

64 is way to much imo...stick with a 60 or even a 58

i have a 54 and a 58 titleist vokey spin milled oil them...bent them to be 53 and 57 degrees 

and Kobetwo- nice scotty but why wud u put lead tape on the bottom. just to add weight? id be to scared to do that with mine

bout to go play nine with my boys in about 30...we usually play 3 bucks a hole and lets just say there is no way there are even gonna be close to me. buhahahahaha
y would you be scared to put lead tape onto a club? its not a toy or a piece of art. its a tool used to get the ball in the hole. i needed 10g of weight on my putter, so i threw 10gs on the bottom so not to disturb the center of grav or anything, problem solved and it didnt cost me more then a buck to fix.
Appreciate the advice on the 60 degree wedge. Was looking at a Cleveland CG wedge on for about $90, are there better websites out there in terms of price?
I went in to the local golf shop last weekend with my heart set on buying the new Nike Victory Red driver (to match my irons
), but I must be getting tight in my old age because I ended up buying a demo Dymo Str8 fit. for $85 on ebay. About 5 years ago, I woulda dropped the cheese on the Victory Red and not thought twice about it, but I just don't golf nearly as much as I used to. I almost wish I would have kept my OG Nike blades instead of picking up the Victory Red split cavities (even though they are like butter). Here's the Victory red driver. That compression channel is cool.

it's amazing what a little instruction can do for your shot.
30 minutes of real instruction on how to swing and how to keep your arms on the address. shot improved 100%.
Ive been considering dropping 40-50 bucks on a lesson... I think someone giving me minor adjustments that improve my swing could go a long way, given some direction I could keep it consistent.

What kind of tips did they give you Dirty?
there is a golf school not too far from me that charges $600 for 3 days of 9am-3pm training including lunch, video taping, on course instruction etc... i wonder if it would be worth it to take a mini vacation like that ...

but first i think i need to go to a local pro and get fitted for clubs and what not and at least get the swing basics perfect ...
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Ive been considering dropping 40-50 bucks on a lesson... I think someone giving me minor adjustments that improve my swing could go a long way, given some direction I could keep it consistent.

What kind of tips did they give you Dirty?
...just fixing the basic that I was doing wrong.  keeping my arm straight, fixing my feet (i was lifting up my left)...dragging the club head on the backswing to get used to the motion(I was lifting the club head).
then setting up a routine when I hit the range to keep my technique down..

I didn't pay though... just a friend actually looking at my swing and letting me konw what I was doing wrong.

def thing instruction is the thing to do though.  I was at the range the other day and this dude -- who I thought was killing it from the get go -- was getting lessons...the instructor kept picking his swing apart, while when I looked, I thought it was perfect.
Thats the thing about your can always be picked to death.
I recently found a swing grove that works for me, which i have incorporated some basic fixes that have really helped.

Guys, check your grip! Huge improvement will come just with better hand position.
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

You guys clean off your clubs with any particular solution?

i use water and dish washing soap for the club for me
......idk about the grip..never tried cleaning mine....
for the grip just soap and water

if you get a new club or new grip you should definately do this before you use them...more tacky
So, I have some sort of kink in my swing that causes me to fade a lot of my mid-long iron shots. I was thinking that I might be leaving the clubface open, but then again my swing doesn't feel any different from my 7 iron on up, and those fly straight. Any suggestions? Also, my woods don't suffer from this problem either.
love thing you can do for your game is get some lessons and some video analysis, shaved +8 strokes off my game (with practice of course and actually getting out there)...

cracks me up seeing this thread since I bounce between NT and GolfWRX forums...hite em straight!
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

tell me about it HWB smgdmfh ...

i played Renditions today in Davidsonville, MD ... every hole is made to look/play like a famous hole on the PGA tour ... you guys should check it out ...

i shot a 103 ... 8 shots on the first hole and 9 shots on the last hole ... fairly straight forward par 4s and i completely sucked them up ... i par'd 2 holes and had one birdie on a par 4 where i sunk a 25 footer (it was hole #4 made to play like #16 @ Royal Luthum & St. Anne's) ... but my drives went dead right all but once and trying to play a long course without a driver is nearly impossible ...

the hole made to look like the 17th at TPC was death ... first ball i hit bounced on the green and somehow rolled off the back ... i used my one mulligan we get per round and hit another that landed on the ridge in the middle of the green and somehow spun all the way through the rough off the green ... drop in the designated area which is basically 30 yards from the tee and knock it within 2 feet ... i lip the putt and take a 5 smh ...

all in all i was happy with my round because i completely blew two holes and couldnt hit a drive all day and still managed a 103 on a tough course ... i need to get my driver right or else i'm gonna continue to look like a fool ... at one point i took my stance and then dropped my right foot back as far as possible to overcompensate for my slice and it still went way right ... i cant figure it out ...

has anyone ever paid them "pro's" at driving ranges money to teach them to drive? i dont want to throw away money but damn if i wouldnt pay some cash to get my drive to go straight ...
I can only think of two reasons for your drives to go right:
Your club face is open at contact


You have an out to in swing path that puts a side spin on the ball at contact.  

It's difficult to explain over the internet....but basically I used to swing more with my arms, rather than using my shoulders/hips in my swing.  I wouldn't rotate my shoulders with my backswing, my club head would go out, and then come in towards my body as I was making contact.  I started to focus on rotating my shoulders with my backswing, and making sure that the path of the club was going away from my body and not towards it.  This took away the side spin at impact, and as long as the face is square at contact, my drives go straight as an arrow and ~280 yards.  

What shaft stiffness do you have on your driver?
Originally Posted by Quaz

Here are some of my new pickups

got it at goodwill for $3

Next up an odyssey putter and golf shoes
nice pick up... and i also been looking to get an odyssey putter and golf shoes... im broke tho
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