Any tips/tricks when booking a trip?

Sep 1, 2009
You guys got any tips/tricks when booking a trip to Vegas? Any specific websites ya'll go to for some solid deals?

I'm looking to book a flight + hotel to Vegas for Labor Day weekend...:nerd:

Thanks in advance
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The best way to book it is to not book it. If that makes any sense.

Just get down there and let the wind blow you in the right direction. Live free. **** a schedule. Leave your house with the mindset "at the end of today, I will be in Vegas". Find a way down there. And once you get there, let things happen on their own

Ceasars hotels are having a semi annual sale with some decent prices, have to book soon though since it ends in a few days.

Also don't expect anything super cheap on LDW, that is a big holiday
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