Anybody ever worked at a Fat Camp? vol Heavyweights

May 25, 2001
or Body/Image Transformation Camp, or whatever the more positive euphemism. I figure now is the time to apply. I was bored at work so I started googling itand I see some are hiring. What is it like being a counselor, or teacher, or whatever? Is it as fun as Heavyweights made it look, or that MTV True Life show?How much did you get paid?

I figure if I do this for a summer and do well, I can then have at least something on my resume to get me into the field I always wanted to be in, which ismore athletic training and kinesiology/sports related stuff rather than doing Information Technology like I have since Senior yr of college.

I used to be fat myself, and am at worse chubby now, so maybe that'll help me.

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