Anyone else file a claim against BP this last year or so?

Sep 20, 2006
Long story short...I live on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I worked at a restaurant that went out of business. I filed a BP oil spill claim - making allegations that the BP oil spill affected the culture of the Gulf Coast and aided in me losing my job. In a few months I received $10,000 from them. 

Anyone else have similar success? If you live in an area that could have been damaged by the spill (physically, emotionally) I advise you to file a claim while you still can (depending on your job).

If you have questions, feel free to ask.
....i didnt but know a few that did. im in Biloxi
....where in FL are you? i used to be stationed at Eglin
...yeah well, pretty much like Katrina. dudes got the money and balled out with it. i had no idea people were getting so much until just recently.
...crazy because that segment Dave Chappelle did on reparations was spot on in regards to how people in the urban community were acting when they got that money. spot on. crazy thing to see in person.

Heard this a year or two back. Heard you just had to show them your taxes before the oil spill and they would payout.
nah, you actually needed quite a few documents. 2007-2010 w2's, pay stubs, checks, things like that. You also need to write a hardship letter and configure a number you feel you are owed. Then they will assess your appeal and see if you qualify or not.

with my money I bought my sort of dream car in an affordable fashion (85 Eldorado with only 60k on it), a macbook, misc. crap, and used what was left over to build up a bank roll again.
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