Anyone else preparing for an imminent economic collapse?

This is the dumbest thing anyone has ever asked me on NT.
Instead of worrying about me, why don't you figure out what is going on, it might help you out in your own life.
Way to back track your sure thing claim. Also hats off to assuming what I know or don't know, you never fail to deliver.
Way to back track your sure thing claim. Also hats off to assuming what I know or don't know, you never fail to deliver.

What kind of question is that?

You're acting like I'm sitting here rubbing my hands together like Dr. Evil waiting for a nuclear war to pop off so I can come in here and laugh and say Ha, I told you so. No!

Grow up new guy. :smh:
Nah. I live paycheck to paycheck like majority of the people in America. All I have his my job. I've been investing but I don't have thousands to play with. I am always looking to better my living situation but I also have to be realistic. I will watch and see's how the future plays out like the other billions of people. 
So sad. So many people in this world (and in this thread) legitimately WANT society to break down into chaos so they can say "I told you so".

No one's gonna care if you saw it coming. As has already been said in here--you're never as prepared as you think you are. Live your life.
What kind of question is that?
You're acting like I'm sitting here rubbing my hands together like Dr. Evil waiting for a nuclear war to pop off so I can come in here and laugh and say Ha, I told you so. No!
Grow up new guy. :smh:
New guy? That's your comeback, you stay losing. You made an asinine comment and I called you out on it. You jumped all over the member who questioned your claim regarding engaging in a war with Iran. You stay saying the most ******ed ****.
What do you mean by this?
I am not well versed on the economy but can ^ that happen?

Theoretically, the banks can just hit a shutdown button and it will wipe everyone's accounts clean. I mean EVERYONE! The six "mega banks" pretty much run most banking in this country and the world for that matter. Now can you think of any better way for the government to have people lining up to go to their Fema camps than to take their money? When people get hungry they will go because that is how complacent and stupid our average public is today. Don't get me wrong like some members, I'm not siting here wishing for a total collapse of society, that would make me somewhat morbid. I'm just about fighting for my freedom like the people who founded this country did because at least that will be an honorable death. I will NEVER go to a fema death camp.

Of course, this is just what major trends people have theorized. I want to be wrong.
Theoretically, the banks can just hit a shutdown button and it will wipe everyone's accounts clean. I mean EVERYONE! The six "mega banks" pretty much run most banking in this country and the world for that matter. Now can you think of any better way for the government to have people lining up to go to their Fema camps than to take their money? When people get hungry they will go because that is how complacent and stupid our average public is today. Don't get me wrong like some members, I'm not siting here wishing for a total collapse of society, that would make me somewhat morbid. I'm just about fighting for my freedom like the people who founded this country did because at least that will be an honorable death. I will NEVER go to a fema death camp.
Of course, this is just what major trends people have theorized. I want to be wrong.

:rofl: At this. You watch too many movies. The whole Lex Luthor, take over the world and live on a planet with just rocks and 2 henchmen isn't really something rich people and bankers in power aspire to do.
Theoretically, the banks can just hit a shutdown button and it will wipe everyone's accounts clean. I mean EVERYONE! The six "mega banks" pretty much run most banking in this country and the world for that matter. Now can you think of any better way for the government to have people lining up to go to their Fema camps than to take their money? When people get hungry they will go because that is how complacent and stupid our average public is today. Don't get me wrong like some members, I'm not siting here wishing for a total collapse of society, that would make me somewhat morbid. I'm just about fighting for my freedom like the people who founded this country did because at least that will be an honorable death. I will NEVER go to a fema death camp.
Of course, this is just what major trends people have theorized. I want to be wrong.
So what do you say to the man that doesn't have a bank account and keeps everything in cash?
Nothing to crazy will happen those in power will try to keep things in check till they figure out how to sort the mess. The rich elite need us just as much as we need them. Sure to some they may be crazy and evil, but they invest their money to get it back with interest in exchange we get all the things we need to live and entertain ourselves. They get more money, some of it trickels down to society, and we buy ipones and ipads and eat and drink , use drugs or sell them, have sex for pleasure or to make kids and have a job, its a win-win for everyone. Unfortunately due to reasons that are beyond the average person those in power get butthurt by another rich elite or develop a cynical thought and wars happen that claim the lives of the average person on both sides. There are bigger issues that exist beyond worrying that the rich will rule, like rape and gang violence, and people killing others cause they offended them or made fun of their shirt. We should worry why people are incapable of helping one another in bad times, by maybe sharing a piece of bread or half a bottle of water, instead of i need to arm myself to take the life of my neighbor cause he may act a fool. Sure wars between countries are about the worse thing in existence, but humans have a war within themselves that cause bigger conflicts of interest amongst other humans, then just super rich guys wanting more oil, land, power, money or gold.
Nothing to crazy will happen those in power will try to keep things in check till they figure out how to sort the mess. The rich elite need us just as much as we need them. Sure to some they may be crazy and evil, but they invest their money to get it back with interest in exchange we get all the things we need to live and entertain ourselves. They get more money, some of it trickels down to society, and we buy ipones and ipads and eat and drink , use drugs or sell them, have sex for pleasure or to make kids and have a job, its a win-win for everyone. Unfortunately due to reasons that are beyond the average person those in power get butthurt by another rich elite or develop a cynical thought and wars happen that claim the lives of the average person on both sides. There are bigger issues that exist beyond worrying that the rich will rule, like rape and gang violence, and people killing others cause they offended them or made fun of their shirt. We should worry why people are incapable of helping one another in bad times, by maybe sharing a piece of bread or half a bottle of water, instead of i need to arm myself to take the life of my neighbor cause he may act a fool. Sure wars between countries are about the worse thing in existence, but humans have a war within themselves that cause bigger conflicts of interest amongst other humans, then just super rich guys wanting more oil, land, power, money or gold.

i agree

but still kinda perplexed as to what the future holds
I gotta get my stockpile game up. Anything can happen at any time, not trying to scramble for essentials when it does
So what do you say to the man that doesn't have a bank account and keeps everything in cash?

If you have cash it would be a good idea to invest a lot of it in silver. Your money will increase in value over time, probably a lot. I don't know how you feel about firearms, but it doesn't hurt to pick up a few. Look up the stats and see how the numbers of firearms purchased has increased since the last election, the past few months specifically. S&W has a waiting list right now. Of course it won't hurt to have food, but be careful. People that are stockpiling are being arrested now.

Silver Eagles
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If you have cash it would be a good idea to invest a lot of it in silver. Your money will increase in value over time, probably a lot. I don't know how you feel about firearms, but it doesn't hurt to pick up a few. Look up the stats and see how the numbers of firearms purchased has increased since the last election, the past few months specifically. S&W has a waiting list right now. Of course it won't hurt to have food, but be careful. People that are stockpiling are being arrested now.
Silver Eagles

What do you do when the government confiscates your silver/gold and forces you to exchange it for cash? Also, what do you do if government confiscates your firearms?
What do you do when the government confiscates your silver/gold and forces you to exchange it for cash? Also, what do you do if government confiscates your firearms?

I have never heard of a government confiscating actual currency from people that wasn't in a bank, especially if they don't know you have it stashed in your house. If they ever tried to do this, you would know there was a civil war going on.

Confiscating firearms is tricky. The second ammendment guarantees us the right to bear arms. Americans are not going to give up their weapons, who is going to take them? Cops, military? I don't think so. The fifty thousand foreign troops being smuggled in here every week are probably meant for this purpose, but a few of them getting picked off will make them second guess. This is the problem the globalists are having with this country, disarming us. That is why the threat of a nuclear attack is actually real.

This may be the darkest time our civilization has ever faced. If you don't belive me that's cool, but other countries are facing all kinds of economic disasters like never before right now as we speak.
I have never heard of a government confiscating actual currency from people that wasn't in a bank, especially if they don't know you have it stashed in your house. If they ever tried to do this, you would know there was a civil war going on.
Confiscating firearms is tricky. The second ammendment guarantees us the right to bear arms. Americans are not going to give up their weapons, who is going to take them? Cops, military? I don't think so. The fifty thousand foreign troops being smuggled in here every week are probably meant for this purpose, but a few of them getting picked off will make them second guess. This is the problem the globalists are having with this country, disarming us. That is why the threat of a nuclear attack is actually real.
This may be the darkest time our civilization has ever faced. If you don't belive me that's cool, but other countries are facing all kinds of economic disasters like never before right now as we speak.

Aren't you preparing for a civil war or something just like it?
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