Anyone else waiting for GAMES last album LAX?

Jul 1, 2001
Game been relatively quiet lately with the basketball incident....

LAX supposed to be a day in the life with him being murdered at the end. Lets see games first shot at a concept album. I think he can pull it off. Heconsistently gotten better from the DOC to his most recent mixtape murda game chronicles.

I'm kinda disappointed this being his last album and all, he had a positive impact on west coast hip hop, and opened a lot of east coast ears to the leftside. I still think he is still amongst the elite of the newer artist, trying to solidify himself as an elite artist period.

Anyone else patiently waiting?
He allegedly pulled a gun on someone during a pick up game in a college gym... he got sued and convicted of assault, and having a fire weapon in a schoolzone... he copped a plea deal for 3months jail time.
I think Game is capable of making great album. Hes needs to get with the right producers and stay away from those generic singles and he'll be good.Andchill with the name dropping.
He been so quiet because he in jail...But i cant wait until this come out, its gon be the best 3 album stretch second only to Kanye
Originally Posted by YungMooly

He been so quiet because he in jail...But i cant wait until this come out, its gon be the best 3 album stretch second only to Kanye

Wrong. He is not in jail. He was at the laker game tueday vs the blazers sitting court side. They showed him on the big screen.

But I am waiting for the album. I know a lot of folks don't like game for whatever reason and they every right to feel that way, but game is west coast andI support all of my west coast artist.
Studio Gangsta Rap at its finest . . . Atleast there will be some dope beats, I loved The Doc, DA was pretty wack outside of maybe 4 or 5 songs . . . Thisshould be somewhere between the 2 . . .

I hope he scraps the concept #%!*, its a good idea . . . But leave it to the pros with the concept albums.
dude was prolly gettin worked in the post and got his feeling hurt....I guess if you can't throw hands, then you gotta resort to pullin out theburner...what a lame...
But I am waiting for the album. I know a lot of folks don't like game for whatever reason and they every right to feel that way, but game is west coast and I support all of my west coast artist.
couldn't of said it better myself
Unfortunate that he tried so hard to have that image. He has skills.

Hopefully he stays around awhile a bit an grows outta that super gangster persona and focuses on being a artist.

His career so far is reminiscent of an ice cube IMO, he just needa grow up and knock that silly +%*% off...eventually he will.
Yea, I can't wait to see what dude puts out. Been listening him before he blew up and he's consistant with his material. Dude has hot beats on hisalbums. Old School Gangsta rap era 96 that's what i like about the dude he makes me feel like it's 96 again.
Both of his albums are excellent, he pleasantly surprised me with both of them

I guess you could say I'm waiting

he has said in multiple interviews that this will be his last album

but i am waiting for his new material

murda game chronicles still gets spins in the whip on the daily
Wrong. He is not in jail. He was at the laker game tueday vs the blazers sitting court side. They showed him on the big screen.
Unfortunately hes officially in now.

I got word from an artist that has recorded with Game. 10000% real.
he has said in multiple interviews that this will be his last album
He has also said that he in interviews that Dre was going to be on the Doctor's Advocate

With this guy you gotta learn to separate the music from everything else
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