Anyone Ever Filed For Unemployment? A Little Help Please...

Jan 17, 2009
So, here's the situation. I got unemployment but didn't know we had to keep track of a work log until recently so I haven't been doing it and haven't been applying for jobs until just recently. I've been receiving benefits for about a month now. Part of the reason why I haven't been applying is because I wasn't even sure if I was going to get unemployment and because i just got that income tax money so I just been chillin. 

My question is, how often do they verify your work log? And also, do they just verify for a specific pay period or do they verify you from the very beginning when you started receiving benefits?
Glad to help.. I've collected unemployment before, about 2 years ago. I had to repay everything back though, because I was terminated for violating company policy (insider stuff), so the judge ruled I had to pay back what I collected.

You are "supposed" to keep a log of job/work you have been applying for, during the time you've been collecting unemployment benefits. This will include the name of the company you applied to, who interviewed you (if you have already interviewed), or if you just applied, the phone/e-mail contact for them.

I did it only because it gave me peace of mind, but also because whenever I had to resolve an issue with the unemployment services, they would always double check that I am updating my work log. I was never asked to submit the work log -- probably because I paid back all my benefits collected.

For you, it shouldn't be a question of whether or not to update the work log, because you seem to be in a state where you should absolutely be trying to find work. How long can tax return money and unemployment last you? It won't last very long, especially if you are on your own.

Hope that helps.
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