Anyone ever got led on by a girl and she disappeared?

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

So I've been talking to this girl for about couple weeks now. We kissed, held hands, texted everyday and you know go on several dates. All of sudden, she stopped texting back and stopped answering my calls 
 Im confused as hell son. What do u guys do at this point? Fall back? or keep trying.. its been several days where she stopped replying. she would say little things here and there but its been 2 days since we had a real convo. 
Originally Posted by mdwst9

its worse when u n the girl have been talkin for months basically almost bf n gf and u eem smang 5-6 times raw then she fades u for her "bff"

Just happened to me, exactly like that...birds smh
alll the damn time man
then she texts out the blue 2-3 weeks later like "Hey Sup,
!@#%$#%@ !@$!@ your smiley face
Originally Posted by beh235

She got a boyfriend. /thread.

yea this has happened to me before. The girl the whole time was talking to m, mustve been talking to another guy to and I just pulled the trigger too late. We had a date set up and everything, but I missed out
This same +!@# is happening to me right now. I was led on and it was going really well than out of nowhere she never replied back to my texts etc. Heard back from her for the first time in a week yesterday so that's good i guess but at the same time for you to not reply at all just shows a lack of interest. I was really feeling this broad too. SMH.
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

alll the damn time man
then she texts out the blue 2-3 weeks later like "Hey Sup,
!@#%$#%@ !@$!@ your smiley face

Man this one hits too close to home with the smiley face. Acting like smiley faces cure everything
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

So I've been talking to this girl for about couple weeks now. We kissed, held hands, texted everyday and you know go on several dates. All of sudden, she stopped texting back and stopped answering my calls 
 Im confused as hell son. What do u guys do at this point? Fall back? or keep trying.. its been several days where she stopped replying. she would say little things here and there but its been 2 days since we had a real convo. 
this is so harsh but I can't stop laughing right now
Rreserving a majority of dambs while constantly meetings new chicks can help curb this feel.

Stop going to the same grocery stores, eating spots, and clubs. Venture to the mall on the other side of town.

Work your spit game whenever possible. You don't have to try and bag ALL yambs...

I'd say 50% that you come across, make an attempt

The other half, work your mojo and know it doesn't matter what your saying cuz you're not going after her anyway ... this builds confidence cuz you WILL get chicks unsuspectingly...
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

So I've been talking to this girl for about couple weeks now. We kissed, held hands, texted everyday and you know go on several dates. All of sudden, she stopped texting back and stopped answering my calls 
 Im confused as hell son. What do u guys do at this point? Fall back? or keep trying.. its been several days where she stopped replying. she would say little things here and there but its been 2 days since we had a real convo. 
basically she had a boyfriend who cheated on her and did her wrong recently and now they got back together. Sorry but you were the fill in for the time being
I notice in the last few years guys been starting to sound real feminine and that $%#@ just makes me mad. Like when did you decide it was okay to hand over all power to a woman and cry and whine about if they call or think about you and all this other nonsense?? This is no shots taken at you OP, but this stuff needs to stop. End rant.
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