anyone have a fish tank (aquarium)?

I have three 5000 gallon & twelve 360 gallon ponds.... Am I allowed in here?
When I go to china town I always go to the pet store and look a the manaray/stingray whatever they are. I want one super bad
I saw a really nice jelly fish tank setup that came with everything

but $800 for something I haven't researched was a no go

I think I will be buying it in the future tho
I have a 56 gallon tank for my one pleco (algae eater). Maintenance isn't that bad if you have an idea of what you're doing. Make sure you have a siphon and dechlorinating fluid (I think that's the name of it) and water changes should be easy. As far as day-to-day, make sure you have a filter, heater, air pump that are adequate for your size tank (should say on the box). Those things keep the tank pretty self-sufficient. You will have to change filter cartridges on the filter periodically, and add water (top off) as it evaporates. Usually, topping off once a week is enough. You should do a 40-50% water change every month (give or take depending on how crowded the tank is). Water change = use the siphon to pump water out of the tank, all while using the sucking-head ****** to stir up the rocks and pull out the fish's mess from it. Then, refill the tank with de-chlorinated water.

ALWAYS make sure to dechlorinate the water before you put it in the tank. Make sure it's the same temperature as the water already in the tank, too. For some fish, just using your hand to check is OK, but some are very sensitive and need it very accurate.

Also, if you have an algae eater, don't just figure that it sucks on the glass and therefore does not need food. Get the sinking wafers (really cheap and lots in a bag) so that it can eat.

Also, don't overcrowd your tank or put a fish in a tank that's too small for it.

There's more, but those are the basics. I'll try to check on this post to see if any more questions are asked. Otherwise, check reddit's aquarium subreddit--lots of good info there.
I miss my 125.

Had it saltwater at first. FOWLER. All based around a cow fish named beastie mcbeasterton. He was my homie. He would fly back and forth, follow you around, spit water at you and let you pet him. I put soooo much into that tank and then something went wrong and everything died. I bought a new fish, went to vegas for a week and about 3 days in, the person I had feeding them called me and said all the fish were hiding. They all started dropping dead after that.

I then switched it to freshwater, rescued a couple oscars, 1 was 12" and the other was 13", that were is a 55 gallon..they were a new job, couldn't keep up with it and ended up selling it.

I kept my 250lbs of base rock though. Just in case one day I do it again. That **** gets expensive. Have enough to build the caves all the way to the top and from end to end...was beautiful...
i got a 180 gallon tank.. I had tons of fish.. but i probably do a water change out every 4 months.. people are probably gonna say thats way too long.. but on the real my filtration system is on point and i got a UV sterilizer that was rated for a 2000 gallon fish pond.. so my tank stays clean.. i got rid of all my fish and now i just got a big turtle inside.. (Google "FRT turtle") and the thing makes a mess..  i probably didnt answer your question.. but, after a few cleaning practices its really not that hard.. 
My sisters boyfriend has a 187 gallon all SPS coral and Wrasse fish it's ridiculous. He's the one that got me into the hobby. He must have spent over $20,000 by now.

This is exactly what I keep, as well as a bunch of other stuff. That can definitely be an accurate number. On a system that size, electricity alone would be $300+ a month (in my area at least) and then you gotta buy additives, supplements, salt, food, etc. etc. the list goes on forever and you gotta do it every month.

wcghost :smokin
I have a 45 gal with 25 fish (goldfish, koi, black moor, catfish) and pump it up into a 2ftx2ft bed filled with rocks which I grow plants in. Havent had to do a water change in 5 months of having it. Just add water periodically.
I'm setting up a 10g iwagumi style planted tank. I still need to get my plants in. Hopefully this weekend
I have three 5000 gallon & twelve 360 gallon ponds.... Am I allowed in here? :D

what in the hell

how much did that whole thing cost you?

inb4 you are rich and bought a mansion that came with it :nerd:
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i got a 180 gallon tank.. I had tons of fish.. but i probably do a water change out every 4 months.. people are probably gonna say thats way too long.. but on the real my filtration system is on point and i got a UV sterilizer that was rated for a 2000 gallon fish pond.. so my tank stays clean.. i got rid of all my fish and now i just got a big turtle inside.. (Google "FRT turtle") and the thing makes a mess..  i probably didnt answer your question.. but, after a few cleaning practices its really not that hard.. 

aren't fly river turtles like a few stacks?
saltwater > freshwater

coral > fish

Going with a saltwater reef set up is ridiculously addicting. I equate being addicted to buying pieces of coral to to being addicted to crack cocaine. Whatever you have is NEVER enough once the initial high wears off.  
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saltwater > freshwater

coral > fish

Going with a saltwater reef set up is ridiculously addicting. I equate being addicted to buying pieces of coral to to being addicted to crack cocaine. Whatever you have is NEVER enough once the initial high wears off.  

440 of peacock bass>
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I have a 45 gal with 25 fish (goldfish, koi, black moor, catfish) and pump it up into a 2ftx2ft bed filled with rocks which I grow plants in. Havent had to do a water change in 5 months of having it. Just add water periodically.

what's the key to not having to change the water?
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