Anyone still playing cod 4 before mw2 comes out?

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

As long as overgrown doesn't make an appearance in MW2 I'll be good. That is the ONLY map in which I have issues finding campers/snipers before they shoot me.

And they need to allow 2+ smoke grenades too.
I LOVED overgrown. I never camped though, but that map is

I was
on that map.
Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

As long as overgrown doesn't make an appearance in MW2 I'll be good. That is the ONLY map in which I have issues finding campers/snipers before they shoot me.

And they need to allow 2+ smoke grenades too.
I LOVED overgrown. I never camped though, but that map is

I was
on that map.
Straight up overgrown was the worst map in the game.

I still play it a couple times a week. Tried WaW for a while, it didn't work out.
Originally Posted by ZeroGravity23

here's the company behind the NVG that you dudes are drooling over...

if you plan on copping think of it as memorabilia, don't expect anything military grade.

Exactly...these will not even be Gen 1 nightvision devices (there are 4 Gens at this point.), BUT they will work for a shortrange (50 feet on in), and you can find a use for them. If they have the small IR lights on the will work in complete darkeness. Just like the SonyCamcorders with NightShot.
Imma get on in the afternoon today GT: Wreckaz anyone else not going to school/ work on the 10th
Originally Posted by McRaptor

Imma get on in the afternoon today GT: Wreckaz anyone else not going to school/ work on the 10th

Im actually owed a day at work, I might just take off for this
i dont play as many rounds as i use to i usually play about 5 or 6 then i get hesitant on getting mw2 dont wanna spend time ranking up.
Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by lysolflow

and to Rafool.... dont got time to argue... just watch...
Argue what....? I agreed.

All I said it's that it better have a different feel to it then the other two since it's going to be a whole new game.....

I don't see anything to argue.

sorry fam.... i thought you were one of the cats that wanna buck back and forth for e-hype...

apologies, mayne... uh-poh-luh-geez... lol...
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Great vid right here, around the 5:20 mark you will here the best words about the game.."balance"

I've watched this vid. I am pretty sure that I've watched every second of footage that is related to MW2 that is currently available on the internets.I've also read a ton of articles and info about it.

And from everything I've seen and all the info I've heard about this game points to the conclusion that this game will be one giant camp-fest, evenmoreso than COD4. The only piece of information I've heard about this game that makes it less camper-friendly is that the UAV jammer will be limited andonly work in close proximity. Everything else they improved for the campers. They say it's balanced, but %*+% this "balance" if it means that Ihave to obtain a death streak to improve my chances of killing some camper with the painkiller deathstreak perk (which I assume is an even strongerjuggernaut).

Yes, I know that the game is not out yet and that I shouldn't be talking about it, and I hope I'm wrong, it's just from all the info that isavailable it looks like camping will pay off even more than in COD4.
I thought the goal was to help get rid of camping? Is this definitely not true in your opinion AT ALL? You definitely bring up an interesting point that nobodyhas thought of cause of sheer hype.
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