Anyone used Fly Wade 2's? Looking for some reviews...

Mar 23, 2004
I already peeped the 2 reviews online from the nightwing dude and some other site, but I wanted to know if anyone here has first hand experience.  I just want them for performance.  I play in Lebron 3's at the moment and I have blocks strapped to my foot haha.  LMK what's good thanks!
these shoes imo are strictly for people with a narrow foot. my foot leans towards the wide side therefore i had a bad experience in them fit wise, i got lucky cause after 2 wears my friend was still nice enough to purchase them off me because my foot just felt terrible in them ( but only becuz the shoe itself is narrow). quality of the shoe feels great, lunarlon felt awesome and the traction was decent imo.
Wade hurt his ankle pretty bad in these and had to switch back to the Fly Wade 1.  He then re-injured the same ankle and is now chilling on the sidelines.  Obviously a shoe can't protect you 100% from any basketball injury, but Wade hurting himself in the Fly Wade 2 is not a good impression on me. 

They are also very VERY very ugly.
He hurt his foot because he landed wrong on his ankle. Not because of the design of the shoe? You can have all the ankle support you want or w/e but if you land on your ankle the way he did then it's gonna hurt regardless lol.

That guy nightwing from sneakerfiles has a pretty thorough vid reviewing them, performance wise.
still worth noting that he went back to the Fly 1's after injuring himself playing in Fly 2's.  Plus, a Nike employee told me that the new Lunarlon is officially supposed to last for 8 months of regular bball, but he's heard unofficially that it's more likely to be 5 months before bottoming out. 

For whatever it's worth, the Fly Wade 2's just don't seem like a shoe worth spending money on.  Get the upcoming 12's - the look good casually oron the court, and have exceptional performance and durability.
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