Anyone used to be an prick in school and wish to apologize to everyone?

Sep 28, 2003
I wanted to use the word thats synonymous with butthole in the title but I got several warnings for implied curse words in the past. So I won't go there. But anyhow, yes I was one of those guys. In hindsight I feel very sorry to everyone who had to put up with me. Sometimes I scroll through Facebook and almost want to send a message to those who I have hurt/bullied in the past. Have no idea why I used to act that way :smh:. I thought I was so cool but in actuality I was doing no good. All of us who are on this same boat need to unite and sort of vent.
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Nah b , you're a horrible person. Jk :lol: man everybody had those moments , it's part of growing up.
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I was generally nice to everyone in school; I didn't see the need to really pick on people
It isn't really your fault, most likely you were mistreated yourself or saw other people being mean,so you subconsciously picked up on their behavior.

Don't sweat it. Life is all about being aware of our past mistakes so we can grow from them.
man, in retrospect, i was one of the dudes who was being picked on. feels batman. i'm good now though. 

props to you though for being enough of a man to admit to being a doosh back then. i know a lot of people who need to do the same.
I regret some of the terrible things I did in high school. I made it a point to apologize personally to a few people I did some really messed up stuff to in high school when I had my 10 year reunion last year and let them know how much of a jerk I was and how i was a total different person back then.

Each one of them was cool about everything and shocked that I would actually apologize and want to clear the air with them.

It felt good to take bury the hatchet patron shots with 3 people I was a complete tool to in high school that night.
I was generally nice to everyone in school; I didn't see the need to really pick on people

I was the same. I also went to a Catholic elementary school and my gosh was the bullying intense there omg. I never started anything with anyone, kids would start with me. I was also super soft and sensitive at that time, my parents never taught me how to be tough.

I've experienced bullying at a high level years ago when I was really young and don't wish it on any kid today. It can truly be brutal. No wonder I'm always seeing suicide stories today from kids who get picked on :smh:

Bottom Line: Parents need to raise their kids better, also instill toughness into their kid at a young age.
i was more of a pervert than a bully. i recently went to a reunion and was sitting at a table with about 6 women that once i had a couple drinks i decided to point out that i sucked everyones t*ts at the table :lol:

they laughed but i know they felt awkward as hell :rolleyes

i apologize .....
I regret some of the terrible things I did in high school. I made it a point to apologize personally to a few people I did some really messed up stuff to in high school when I had my 10 year reunion last year and let them know how much of a jerk I was and how i was a total different person back then.

Each one of them was cool about everything and shocked that I would actually apologize and want to clear the air with them.

It felt good to take bury the hatchet patron shots with 3 people I was a complete tool to in high school that night.

Wow that's amazing. I think about sending a Facebook message to some people I treated like crap. But then some of my so called friends who I haven't seen or spoke to in 2-3 years don't even respond to me on FB. So I'm sort of on the fence.
i was more of a pervert than a bully. i recently went to a reunion and was sitting at a table with about 6 women that once i had a couple drinks i decided to point out that i sucked everyones t*ts at the table :lol:

they laughed but i know they felt awkward as hell :rolleyes

i apologize .....

Thinks about a thread you made recently after seeing this post.

Karma my dude.

Just kidding on the karma part.

I was the same way you were in high school though.
i was more of a pervert than a bully. i recently went to a reunion and was sitting at a table with about 6 women that once i had a couple drinks i decided to point out that i sucked everyones t*ts at the table :lol:

they laughed but i know they felt awkward as hell :rolleyes

i apologize .....

Thinks about a thread you made recently after seeing this post.

Karma my dude.

Just kidding on the karma part.

I was the same way you were in high school though.

all i thought about fam, you're absolutely right .......
I was generally pretty nice to most people, I do remember being a little rude to some people but it wasn't really the ones that everybody picked on.

I do remember somebody trying to bully me freshmen year in drafting class. Teacher had left the room and he threw a balled up piece of tape that hit me in the head. I waited til the next time the teacher left the room and walked over towards his desk and calmly went upside his head with a drafting scale. Needless to say that was the last of it. Ended up actually being friends with the guy the rest of high school 
i became best friends with some dude i beat up after high school, and also 2 dudes who i would make fun of.

they ended up being alot cooler than my "friends"

as long as you recognized you were a messed up person and adress it, means alot.

some people cant even recognize how much of a richard they truly are.
Wow that's amazing. I think about sending a Facebook message to some people I treated like crap. But then some of my so called friends who I haven't seen or spoke to in 2-3 years don't even respond to me on FB. So I'm sort of on the fence.

I mean might as well, if you sincerely mean it, just message them and tell them, worse comes to worse you got what was on your mind off and let them know how you regret your past actions, regardless of how they take it, the feeling of apologizing actually feels somewhat relieving.
i was more of a pervert than a bully. i recently went to a reunion and was sitting at a table with about 6 women that once i had a couple drinks i decided to point out that i sucked everyones t*ts at the table

they laughed but i know they felt awkward as hell

i apologize .....
Thinks about a thread you made recently after seeing this post.

Karma my dude.

Just kidding on the karma part.

I was the same way you were in high school though.

all i thought about fam, you're absolutely right .......
How is it karma that his daughter lost it to a young smart dude with a promising future . . . if it was karma she'd be out here sucking everything that moves
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