Are lakes REALLY shark free? Vol. What your parents told ya

River Monsters is on Netflix
i dont even go in lakes now. im always scared of what could be in there, unless its a man-made one
i dont even go in lakes now. im always scared of what could be in there, unless its a man-made one
Originally Posted by Adrian1221

Bull sharks can be in fresh waters


" They have even been known to travel as far up as Indiana in the Ohio River and Illinois in the Mississippi River, although there have been few recorded attacks. As a result, they are probably responsible for the majority of near-shore shark attacks, including many attacks attributed to other species.[1] However, bull sharks are not true freshwater sharks (unlike the river sharks of the genus Glyphis)."

they grow up to 11 feet


one time me and my boys were camping on the Kern River (so. cal) and we were trippin balls on acid.  Me and another buddy cited a Nat Geo show that we saw talkin bout how bull sharks have been known to go up freshwater rivers and we managed to convince the rest of the dudes (and ourselves.... lsd is a helluva drug) that there was a possibility of bullsharks swimming in the river with us.
Originally Posted by Adrian1221

Bull sharks can be in fresh waters


" They have even been known to travel as far up as Indiana in the Ohio River and Illinois in the Mississippi River, although there have been few recorded attacks. As a result, they are probably responsible for the majority of near-shore shark attacks, including many attacks attributed to other species.[1] However, bull sharks are not true freshwater sharks (unlike the river sharks of the genus Glyphis)."

they grow up to 11 feet


one time me and my boys were camping on the Kern River (so. cal) and we were trippin balls on acid.  Me and another buddy cited a Nat Geo show that we saw talkin bout how bull sharks have been known to go up freshwater rivers and we managed to convince the rest of the dudes (and ourselves.... lsd is a helluva drug) that there was a possibility of bullsharks swimming in the river with us.
Originally Posted by proper english

"I just don't like not knowing what's under me"

im terrified of open water for this very reason. 

If I can't see land, I flip out....

you'll NEVER catch me on a cruise. 
Originally Posted by proper english

"I just don't like not knowing what's under me"

im terrified of open water for this very reason. 

If I can't see land, I flip out....

you'll NEVER catch me on a cruise. 
Just talking to one of my old HS Friends, he kayaks alot in any body of water he can find, he said he encountered a 6-Foot long Bull Sharp in the Chesapeake Bay near Aberdeen, MD.

That is wild as hell to me because I know they are aggressive as hell. He said he caught it but let it go
^That's crazy. I just did a quick google search and it's been reported that bull sharks are known to travel up the Mississippi all the way up to Illinois. Wow.

Maybe the shark your friend found was doing the same thing?
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