Are there other programs besides this one to help get twitter rsvps?

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I'm just salty that after all this time I don't have a solid connect. I hate battling online trying to get my kicks. I hate Copping for over retail on euro sites and maybe having to pay customs because I'm too afraid to pass up that opportunity and try and score on u.s. sites and possibly fail. These twitter link programs don't even work that well and you have to pay monthly for them so how much are you saving really? Someone just put up a crying baby or whatever GIF for me. God damn it.
No reason to delete this. This whole secret society crap needs to end. I honestly hope Nike sees this and changes their system so it doesnt work. That will remove the advantage entirely until someone finds a way to exploit the new system.
No reason to delete this. This whole secret society crap needs to end. I honestly hope Nike sees this and changes their system so it doesnt work. That will remove the advantage entirely until someone finds a way to exploit the new system.

finally some sanity besides b20
SMH at this #%@#@%# OP posting this on here. Man, IP ban this #%@!%@#. Giving away our #%#@ to lurkers.
finally some sanity besides b20
Some sanity besides b20?

The dude is only on your nutsack because he has a program that is better than RSpot's program and wants other people to pay him $20 so he can make more cash off of a RSVP system that is just better and acts like he is super good and super fast at sending DM's while he just turns on his program and it just does the work.

Make sense?
SMH at this #%@#@%# OP posting this on here. Man, IP ban this #%@!%@#. Giving away our #%#@ to lurkers.

lol. the developer asked for this to be deleted and he was ignored. sorry. cats out the bag.
Some sanity besides b20? :rofl:

The dude is only on your nutsack because he has a program that is better than RSpot's program and wants other people to pay him $20 so he can make more cash off of a RSVP system that is just better and acts like he is super good and super fast at sending DM's while he just turns on his program and it just does the work.

Make sense?

and within the yr they will be a dime a dozen. not a hard program to write or duplicate. once you know what it does its quite easy to duplicate actually. sorry u had ur life invested in this.
lol. the developer asked for this to be deleted and he was ignored. sorry. cats out the bag.

Then just edit your post. Not fair to those who have already been paying. If enough people use this, it becomes less effective, in other words don't be a herp a derp
lol. the developer asked for this to be deleted and he was ignored. sorry. cats out the bag.
Caleb not saying you were wrong for posting this but you gotta be careful man. Some kids are spiteful out here and they will do anything to get back at anyone who ruins the chances for them getting kicks. You don't know if there's computer hackers or crazy people like that out there. Just a heads man i dont want people to get hurt over something so trivial
Caleb not saying you were wrong for posting this but you gotta be careful man. Some kids are spiteful out here and they will do anything to get back at anyone who ruins the chances for them getting kicks. You don't know if there's computer hackers or crazy people like that out there. Just a heads man i dont want people to get hurt over something so trivial

preciate the concern. im good tho. This aint my first rodeo.besides..the people who rely on this program def aint hacking ME. come at me bros :smile:
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finally some sanity besides b20
Some sanity besides b20? :rofl:

The dude is only on your nutsack because he has a program that is better than RSpot's program and wants other people to pay him $20 so he can make more cash off of a RSVP system that is just better and acts like he is super good and super fast at sending DM's while he just turns on his program and it just does the work.

Make sense?

If you put as much effort into trying to get yourself an RSVP rather than throwing around these conspiracy theories of what other members are doing then you probably wouldn't have to pay for yours.

I don't see why I would hide having a program? What benefit would that give me? People are willing to pay for the rsvp as long as they get their shoes.

....and no I don't have a program. Everyone refuses to believe it as some justification for you having to pay for your RSVP program. :lol:
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