Are you comfortable with the President authorizing the killing of a U.S. citizen? AL AWLAKI "KILLED"

Citizenship issues aside, the media overhyped this guy to create the next big bad guy after Osama... in reality his "influence" or "impact" on anything was waaay overstated. Celebrating these tiny "victories"/prevented plots (while makes for good tv ratings) does nothing to hide the fact that we are losing the overall "war on terror", badly. We aren't going to win by "killing them all"... there are thousands of Anwar's ready to pop up and replace him. He himself was not the real problem or danger... it was the grievances that inspired him and those like him. Why not go to the root of the issue ? The Obama administration doesn't seem to understand this. Guess it's just much easier for simpletons to think strange people that live in sand huts are jealous of our freedom and the only solution is to keep killing until we wipe them all out. Fact is we can't kill our way out of this one. There's no one magical person/number of people who can be killed and then suddenly have we'll all anger towards us disappear (people really think this 

cue Ron Paul getting booed at the Republican debate.

In before: "who cares at least we got him, he was bad"

lol, trying to treat stage IV cancer with tylenol.
AR Guy wrote:
He was a enemy combatant who helped plan attacks that killed Americans and was killed on the battlefield. He was a legitimate military target in a foreign country. If he was killed in the U.S. then I would have a huge problem with this.

Proof of these allegations?

What makes him a "legitimate target"?
you guys must've forgot Jose Padilla who is in Guantanamo bay, I'm sure he's eating cockmeat sandwiches right now lol
The only reason I'm a little put off by it, is because it was common knowledge that guy was on the hit list for a while. I don't understand why it wasn't under black ops, he was a us citizens. We shouldn't have know he was green lighted as a assassination target. The united states is becoming more vocal with their dirt and I'm not sure that's the right move.
Yes, are you comfortable with a terrorist on the loose being responsible for killing innocent people?
Dude was a fraud anyways.  Spreading all this Jihad bull crap when dude was nothing more than a PERVERT that couldn't get any mass! 


'All American boy': Anwar al-Awlaki's was arrested in April 1997 in San Diego for soliciting prostitutes

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9/11: Anwar al-Awlaki preached at a mosque in San Diego in 2000 where he met Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, two of the 9/11 hijackers. The U.S. government's 9/11 Commission report says the men 'respected al-Awlaki as a religious figure and developed a close relationship with him'. They were aboard the plane that crashed into the Pentagon killing 64, including four flight attendants and two pilots, and 125 in the Pentagon. Nearly 3,000 died in a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States ten years ago after al Qaeda hijacked four planes.

Fort Hood: U.S. army psychologist Major Nidal Malik Hasan had been receiving religious advice from al-Awlaki by email before he ran amok at a Texas military base in 2009, killing 13 and injuring 30. Witnesses said a gunman wearing an Army combat uniform shouted 'Allahu Akbar!' - Arabic for 'God is great!' - and started shooting in a small but crowded medical building where deploying soldiers are vaccinated and undergo other tests.

'Underpants' bomber: U.S. officials believe that al-Awlaki helped recruit Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the Nigerian man charged with trying to blow up a transatlantic flight as it landed in Detroit on December 25, 2009.

'Shoe bomber': Al-Awlaki was connected to British-born Richard Reid who admitted in Federal court in 2002 to attempting to light a fuse which led into a shoe containing explosives on Flight 63 on December 22, 2001.

Times Square bomber: Faisal Shaizad and the Fort Dix terror suspects also said  they were followers of Al-Awalki's sermons.

Along with being at the top of the CIA's most wanted list, al-Awlaki was the only man named as a major threat by the head of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service said last year.

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War on terror huh..
This is a joke, and the citizens who are approving this act because they feel they are in danger, have you ever felt threatened living in the U.S.A? Your more likely to be worried about walking through the hood then getting hit with a "terror" attack.  I know lives and people were lost in 9/11 perhaps the only "terror attack" that hit the U.S on home soil (93 too) and that was orchestrated, no conspiracy theory, but the government knew of the attack. The government continues to have you living in fear coining terms like war on terror and all that garbage. 
Originally Posted by Manglor

Don't care. This president, any president can decided at any time to attack a country, drop bombs, go after anyone for anything pretty much. Remember when the Monica scandal hit Clinton and he started dropping bombs?

It almost sounds like you think this is more important since it's an american citizen being killed. People are people, lives are lives. I don't care where you live or what language you speak your life still matters as much as everyone elses.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Citizenship doesn't matter. If the crime is bad enough, yes.

It's more due to the fact he was killed on the battlefield. Had he been killed in South Dakota I would have had a huge problem with this. If he wanted his 5th amendment rights he had every opportunity to turn himself in but he chose to take up arms aginst the United States and ended up with a hellfire up his %%$. Also along with him was another US citizen from Queens, NY. Both chose their fates and chose poorly.
Personally, I think this thread is a silly.

Why? Because this thread suggests, implicitly, that a life is worth commemorating only when it's that of a U.S citizen.

Where's the thread for each of the thousands of Afghanistan and Iraqi nationals who've been killed as a direct or indirect consequence of the commander in chiefs order?

All life is equal, precious, and worth preserving. A "fair trial" is NOT even close justification for taking a life.

so what if he was captured and was in fact given a far trial and they found him to be innocent. After that he can organization mass murders of American ppl just because. They it be ok to kill him right. I guess they didnt want it to get that far but i dont think its right what Obama did but im not the president so......
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