Are you MOM enough? Vol. I have the weirdest wood right now...

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

You missed my point... 

"Sucking on a boob" is EXACTLY what you're doing though... at what age is the child going to realize that there are sexual tensions associated with sucking on a boob, whether you're breastfeeding or not. 

edit: and before you read to far into this thread, I don't think anyone here is outright saying that's disgusting. People are making note that this is NOT the norm for child raising. It doesn't make them pervs one bit. 

If anything, I would question the person that breastfeeds a child well into the 3.5-4 year old range as being "perverted".
According to your logic, If im to have a prostate exam, the doctor would be "fingering my butt"?????
Or am I just getting a prostate exam?

Theres nothing sexual about breastfeeding unless you make it sexual. And if you make it sexual then your a perv.
Saying breastfeeding is getting your boob sucked is the same as saying a prostate exam is getting your butt fingered. 
Grow up son. Get your mind out the gutter.
This is a great analogy, and I'll point out the flaw in your logic. 
We get prostate exams because it's the BEST option for us available at the moment. Yes, it's EXACLY like the doctor "fingering my butt" but it serves a need that would not otherwise be met. 

On the other hand, You CANNOT tell me that his mom's milk is the only viable source of nutrition at that age. 

The one thing that NTers in this thread are ambiguously called into question is the fact that there's a PSYCHOLOGICAL dependency on either the mom or the boy to breastfeed at that age, not a PHYSICAL one like prostate check up. I'm no expert on either matter but from an outsiders perspective, (a normal, rational one at that) it just doesn't seem right. 

My reason for.comparing a prostate exam to getting your butt fingered was your comparison to breastfeeding and getting your boob sucked on. Basically taking an innocent subject and making it perverted. Either way, no ones opinion will change.
Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Dropten

According to your logic, If im to have a prostate exam, the doctor would be "fingering my butt"?????
Or am I just getting a prostate exam?

Theres nothing sexual about breastfeeding unless you make it sexual. And if you make it sexual then your a perv.
Saying breastfeeding is getting your boob sucked is the same as saying a prostate exam is getting your butt fingered. 
Grow up son. Get your mind out the gutter.
This is a great analogy, and I'll point out the flaw in your logic. 
We get prostate exams because it's the BEST option for us available at the moment. Yes, it's EXACLY like the doctor "fingering my butt" but it serves a need that would not otherwise be met. 

On the other hand, You CANNOT tell me that his mom's milk is the only viable source of nutrition at that age. 

The one thing that NTers in this thread are ambiguously called into question is the fact that there's a PSYCHOLOGICAL dependency on either the mom or the boy to breastfeed at that age, not a PHYSICAL one like prostate check up. I'm no expert on either matter but from an outsiders perspective, (a normal, rational one at that) it just doesn't seem right. 

My reason for.comparing a prostate exam to getting your butt fingered was your comparison to breastfeeding and getting your boob sucked on. Basically taking an innocent subject and making it perverted. Either way, no ones opinion will change.
Nothing in this world worth discussing is THAT black and white. 
The reason this is even a topic is because people don't know what age is appropriate to stop breastfeeding. Would it be innocent if a 10 year old was breast feeding? how about 14? I wouldn't think so, and you shouldn't think that would be "innocent" either. The point is breastfeeding isn't going to be innocent forever, there comes a certain age where people look with disgust and will wonder what's going through the mom's, and her son's head.

And I've clearly distiguished the difference between breastfeed and prostate exams... For purposes of this discussion (and you're point) they're not the same at all. 

Prostate exam -> Physical need, there's no viable alternative to checking for prostate cancer. Do it once, don't have to do it again for a long time... (ie nobody in their right mind would WANT to get a prostate exam)

Breastfeeding at age 3+ -> Psychological need. There are PLENTY of healthy, nutritious options that don't involve sucking on your mom's breast (and I say that as literally as possible) 
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

that photo...
�disturbing. Completely irresponsible on the mother's's bad enough you're still breast feeding the kid, now you're going to have someone take a picture and�throw it on the cover of Time magazine? That kid's Jr. High and HS years are going to be�turbulent.

Spoiler [+]

Tell me one Time Magazine cover that came out when you were 3 years old right now.

None of his class mates are going to recognize him as the kid being breastfed on Time Magazine. And if they do, so what? It wasn't his decision. Quit being a sissy.
I'm 28 and personally have a much bigger problem with how many of you on Niketalk think/express yourself  way more than this. Frankly its embarrassing 
Real life though my mother breast fed me till I was 5 yrs old. I could vividly recall my mothers friends telling her that maybe she should put something spicy on her breast to slowly get me to stop breast feeding.

I turned out just fine.
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

What if your SISTER WAS KATE UPTON, what if KATE UPTON LIVED w/ her DAD and had no MOM.  What if one day, KATE UPTON needed to show her DAD her boob because of a possible LUMP?  I bet the DAD would get some revs down there.  It's natural, which is why some things are better reserved for their own kind.
If she was your blood and everything was working properly upstairs, she wouldn't "KATE UPTON
" She would be your sister/daughter Kate. Thats it. It wouldn't be any physical attraction there.
*Lightweight confession*
I'm sorry, I assumed everyone knew what that meant.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Freeze

thats lowkey kiddie porn


Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Listen...if the moms is eating a healthy diet, and the factory is still full...let that kid do him and the dad.

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Let that boy cook..

im so conflicted right now...she's a milf and a half so i'd...feed/smash

i gotta say tho, breastmilk is the best source of nutrition/immune supplement a child can get, and there was a thread about this. i'd only question the social and phycological long term impacts on the kid being he's a few yrs old.

 the $*$* is she still producing when the kid is 3? someone school me on this?
I dont care if its natural, 3 years old is to old to be doing this. Well she got what she wanted, an outlet to share her progressive mothering techniques with the savage world. Damn hippies
w/e ... eventually you gotta cut it off and i would think that it would be harder ... i think it was game of thrones where i saw that old $!* kid getting breast fed and i raised an eyebrow ... son looked way older than 3 though ...

to each their own ...
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

that photo...
�disturbing. Completely irresponsible on the mother's's bad enough you're still breast feeding the kid, now you're going to have someone take a picture and�throw it on the cover of Time magazine? That kid's Jr. High and HS years are going to be�turbulent.

Spoiler [+]

Tell me one Time Magazine cover that came out when you were 3 years old right now.

None of his class mates are going to recognize him as the kid being breastfed on Time Magazine. And if they do, so what? It wasn't his decision. Quit being a sissy.
Yeah, you're right...stuff like this never finds its way around. Kids won't care if it wasn't his decision. What the hell does any of this have to do with being a sissy?
Worrying about " Oh no! The kids in high school are going to make fun of me for breastfeeding a year more than they did. My life is ruined!" That's being a sissy.
Originally Posted by swendro88

Worrying about " Oh no! The kids in high school are going to make fun of me for breastfeeding a year more than they did. My life is ruined!" That's being a sissy.

More like "HAHA we have a picture of you sucking your mom's tit!

Followed by "You should tell your mom to let me get a taste
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by swendro88

Worrying about " Oh no! The kids in high school are going to make fun of me for breastfeeding a year more than they did. My life is ruined!" That's being a sissy.

More like "HAHA we have a picture of you sucking your mom's tit!

Followed by "You should tell your mom to let me get a taste

Primary joke, check...and just imagine a whole school year. Feel so bad for this kid.

Thanks for giving me something to post about today, NT...check it out if you want.
I don't think the pump always works. A lot of woman have issues w/ it. Not everyone can successfully pump milk.

This is now disgusting. I wonder what the husband has to say. It's gross, feeding husband and son together.

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