Are Your Parents Up to Par on Current Technology?? still learning to text

Mar 26, 2005
my dad is 46 and knows how to pay bills online and pretty good at installing our new TVs and dvd players with surround sound
...knows how to text and use touch screen phones and pays taxes using comp

my mom 45 on the other hand barely knows how to call someone on the cell phone
...never use the computer except solitare every once in awhile..getting there but still learning to text

how about your parents?
My Mom uses one of the lap tops to watch her Chinese shows online. Shes got a cell but doesn't text just call. Same with my dad.
Dad is pretty knowledgeable. Mom on the other hand.
She can't text. Uses the computer for email/solitaire/online banking. Anything else and she needshelp.
also w/out Qwerty board i dont think my parents would ever text like they do used to take like like 5 mins just for like a few word text lol
My mom is pretty computer literate. She can text and things like that. But she still infects any computer she owns with several viruses before trying to makeme fix it.

My dad is a private contractor for multiple firms; his biggest was ACDelco before the company overturned. He's more up to par with any person I know.
Mom can take a computer apart and put it back together but can't use T9 for nothing. She's backwards, but pretty mechanically inclined.
Dad not so much he's too busy with car mechanics.
"Pops" is pretty tech savvy on everything but not as much as my mom.
my parents text, use the computer, and have an ipod

moms be downloading songs on limewire than putting them on her ipod. then burning herself a cd. then uses t9 on her razor to text my sister to get her a candybar from the liqour store
my dad builds PCs for fun and he runs blackberry servers for Border Patrol or something...

my mom can use a computer and is who i go to though for problems...
mom is quick with technology she learned to text in like a week,my step dad he is slow can't teach him nothing new,it just gathers dust.
taught moms how to text like two months ago while pops still doesn't know how to program contacts in his phone himself
both are some what up to date....
not any thing new....

1 year ago, my mom was still asking me how to copy and paste and microsoft word....
step dad does IT security...has a Wii, PS3, Xbox360, iPod touch, blackberry storm, 2 desktops, laptop, and loves playin around with the cpu/gps in his 09 ummmm yeah,
hes pretty up to par!
but my lovely mother on the other hand..
..she's catching up!she has her own laptop that he bought her, knows how to text alright now, but im tryna get her to understand how much better an iPod would be then totingcd's around!
My dad used to have a sidekick and his ebay score is through the roof so I guess you can say yeah.
My moms pretty up to date as well.
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