Asian Culture Discussion Thread

Been trying. Not on Facebook. Agreed different social media acct post would have bern better. Guess not enough degrees of separation

Try harder.

Iove how dudes who aren't even asian are posting in the asian culture thread.

@ every asian person on NT, should I do the honors, or would y'all like the pleasure?
This you?

Methodical Management Methodical Management my post about asians only posting in ACT was to show how ridiculous khufu statement was about having to be in nyc to give some advice on nyc. But at this point just ban me but ban KHUFU KHUFU too.

Only then will NT have some sense of peace

Who’s got White in this conversation. And thank goodness don’t freely roam General to have known you anywhere but Virus Thread and Asian Thread. You have actual reactions and concerns?
Fabulous. Pace yourself.
Should start with this News.

Ok I’ll entertain you one last time: this is a complete lie. You’ve been liking my posts in multiple other threads in which I’ve stated my views or opinions on these very same issues. Just because I don’t interact with you directly in here other than calling you out on your nonsense, you’re crying and throwing tantrums? Go seek acknowledgement from your parents or whoever tolerates you in real life instead of following me around. And miss me with your cowardly passive aggressive insults and piss poor excuses. Say what you have to say with your chest instead of talking like some internet incel :lol:


Ok I’ll entertain you one last time: this is a complete lie. You’ve been liking my posts in multiple other threads in which I’ve stated my views or opinions on these very same issues. Just because I don’t interact with you directly in here other than calling you out on your nonsense, you’re crying and throwing tantrums? Go seek acknowledgement from your parents or whoever tolerates you in real life instead of following me around. And miss me with your cowardly passive aggressive insults and piss poor excuses. Say what you have to say with your chest instead of talking like some internet incel :lol:



Oh yeah the ATL Shooting Thread. Agreed with bunch of sentiments that denounced the Stupidity and Hatred cause thread was being derailed. Good points. Finally had real concern. Glad you found the third Thread. Congratulations.

Stop with the name calls though, look really ignorant. That learned Superiority Complex is bad look. Those Asian kids that ignored you back in school be rude.
NYC Filipina Lola just on her way to church for Holy Week. What is wrong with security guard just totally doing nothing and closing building door. The lack of concern and Humanity.

Real Estate Company of building responded.
It’s a start. Security’s lack of action beyond disturbing.

Unbelievable that some people drive around looking to harm others. They need to be stripped of their drivers license, then we’ll see how tough they really are when on foot.

that's what I was just thinking, these MF ain't got jobs? With all that driving you could easily make a few grand a year on uber. :rofl:

Like who wakes up in the morning like, aite my goal today is pick up some milk and find some Asian cyclists to mess with. How miserable does your life have to be?:rofl:
“Hamner’s arraignment is scheduled for April 8 at the King County Courthouse.”

Wonder what his defense will be.



I wonder if the racists are wanting to target specifically Chinese people and other Asians are just getting caught in the crossfire because they can’t tell them apart. Or is it just all Asians they have a problem with?
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