Ask a Guy Who Got Circumsized Today Anything vol. IT'S DONE!!! UPDATEpg16

May 20, 2006
So yeah, finally going ahead and getting this done, it's long overdue. Ask away.

Maybe this could be a helpful thread, an informational joint if you will. Or it could just be for the lulz. Either way, I'm scared guyz, help!

Feel free to post your own stories and/or experiences.
What made you decide to go get  circumsized? Is there some health benefit to being circumsized or is it strictly for the Yambs?
Yea a buddy of mine recently got it done he was in pain for a long time he said he got it done cuz of the weird factor from white girls lol I swear he's from Nigeria
They have to stitch the remaining foreskin so it doesn't go pass the bottom of the mushroom tip. I heard it hurts for literally months just to get an erection, pee, when it moves while you walk, etc; reason I never did it.

But how much does it cost?
Damb famb!

You are about to be laid up in bed for a minute.

Nah. I had it done @ 17 and I missed one day of school. No mo cheese :smokin

Funny story: I was playing hoop a week after getting snipped. The bandage and wrap must have fallen off my dink and out of my shorts. Some dude picks it up not knowing wtf it is, studied it, and starts asking everyone on the court if it's theirs. :lol:

Gave him the ol

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They have to stitch the remaining foreskin so it doesn't go pass the bottom of the mushroom tip. I heard it hurts for literally months just to get an erection, pee, when it moves while you walk, etc; reason I never did it.

But how much does it cost?

Insurance covered mine. Fapped like 2 weeks later to Napster pron.
why are you doing it?

Basically the foreskin is too tight. When I was younger it wasn't that bad plus I just kinda assumed thats how it was supposed to be. Over time it has begun to develop little micro tears and rips after sex from it being stretched too much when it is erect and in motion. It heals up and then its even tighter the next time. About a year ago I caught a funny look on a chicks face when she couldn't pull it back all the way. Been debating it ever since. The difference in feels between ejaculating with the hood on during oral, for example, and with it pulled back for intercourse is night and day.

You're making a mistake.

If it wasn't for the above factors I wouldn't even consider it. Can't possibly be any worse than what I'm dealing with now.

Damb famb!

You are about to be laid up in bed for a minute.

Doc said 4-5 week recovery. I've heard of it hurting really bad and taking a long time to heal and i've also heard of people being out and about the very next day and it not taking long at all to heal so I really don't know what to expect. Most people say the biggest thing is the uncomfortableness of no longer having a foreskin, the rubbing. I might go buy some briefs.
Doc said 4-5 week recovery. I've heard of it hurting really bad and taking a long time to heal and i've also heard of people being out and about the very next day and it not taking long at all to heal so I really don't know what to expect. Most people say the biggest thing is the uncomfortableness of no longer having a foreskin, the rubbing. I might go buy some briefs.

How old are you bro? I was 16 and missed one day of school. 4-5 weeks seems really long. I had some soreness when I got erection for a couple weeks, that's about it.
They have to stitch the remaining foreskin so it doesn't go pass the bottom of the mushroom tip. I heard it hurts for literally months just to get an erection, pee, when it moves while you walk, etc; reason I never did it.

But how much does it cost?

See above post.

I asked the doc if insurance would pay for it and he said most likely, didn't ask any further questions about cost.

What it smell like? 

Cookies and apple juice.

How old are you bro? I was 16 and missed one day of school. 4-5 weeks seems really long. I had some soreness when I got erection for a couple weeks, that's about it.

I think he meant 4-5 weeks until it is completely healed, he said I can resume normal activities in 48 hours.
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They have to stitch the remaining foreskin so it doesn't go pass the bottom of the mushroom tip. I heard it hurts for literally months just to get an erection, pee, when it moves while you walk, etc; reason I never did it.

But how much does it cost?
Lies. It hurts for maybe a month max. With todays tech like dissolving stitches and laser cutting its probably less. Doesnt hurt to pee either. Welcome to team helmet OP 
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