B.o.B. on one.


Someone needs to put papi on to that solar geometry.

FYI Orbit of Earth and Venus
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Magnetic bracelets magnetize the iron in your blood, and kill their users with blood clots over time.

The popularity of those bracelets is a eugenic program to wipe out people who believe in pseudoscience.



:rofl: :rofl: at this thread but someone explain this to me? :nerd:

Also Bob a sellout but it seems like hes having a Charles Hamilton like breakdown right now...
I smoked heavy from 16-18. Also have family history of mental illness.

I had times when I was thinking some wild wild stuff and if I smoke it just goes into overdrive.

Charles Hamilton kinda went through something similar.

What kinda wild stuff?
These YouTube conspiracy videos has the world all messed up. I use to watch them a few years ago. Somethings made sense. Then I noticed all these "predictions" these guys were talking about never came true. Not one. I'm not saying it's all complete BS but these so called conspiracy theorists are always selling a book or video. They profit off the "truth". That right there raises my eyebrows.

The people on Bobs IG right now defending this BS are blindly taking a rappers word for it. They all talk the same YouTube BS and believe the word of what men and women they never met say then turn around and say everyone who disagrees is a "sheep". The real conspiracies are being overlooked now because of this rampant stupidity. Bob has money. He could easily take a trip around the earth and find its edge. He'd rather speak this nonsense instead. Sad part is people support it blindly. Who's the sheep again? I've lost all respect for dude consigning this garbage. All the issues with the world and he's using his voice and fame to declare the earth is flat. Fool

If a plane flys around the globe going North/South so that when it's finished, it'll end up back at point A..wouldn't the plane have to fly upside down at one point? Dead srs

if i was at the front of the train and i jumped wouldnt i end up at the back of the train :nerd: :nerd:
I've always wondered this
the earth rotates like 1,040mph
so how we don't move

When you're going 500 mph in a plan why don't you feel it throughout the flight?

You only feel the acceleration of the take off and once the speed becomes constant you no longer feel the speed.

If the earth's velocity ever changed then we'd be in trouble but since its constant we don't feel the affects of the speed since we're also already moving that speed.
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i do wonder whats in antartica that they don't want us to know about

And you can travel to Antartica. They just limited mass tourism as to stop the massive amount of damage being done to the region seeing as there wasn't any governing body cleaning up after the slobs visiting the region
Some dude said the Vrill and scientologists are the illuminati a while ago :lol: he was talking about a bunch of stuff involving clones and pedophiles in high places too. I forgot his name though. I wanna make a thread about aliens now though.
These YouTube conspiracy videos has the world all messed up. I use to watch them a few years ago. Somethings made sense. Then I noticed all these "predictions" these guys were talking about never came true. Not one. I'm not saying it's all complete BS but these so called conspiracy theorists are always selling a book or video. They profit off the "truth". That right there raises my eyebrows.

The people on Bobs IG right now defending this BS are blindly taking a rappers word for it. They all talk the same YouTube BS and believe the word of what men and women they never met say then turn around and say everyone who disagrees is a "sheep". The real conspiracies are being overlooked now because of this rampant stupidity. Bob has money. He could easily take a trip around the earth and find its edge. He'd rather speak this nonsense instead. Sad part is people support it blindly. Who's the sheep again? I've lost all respect for dude consigning this garbage. All the issues with the world and he's using his voice and fame to declare the earth is flat. Fool

You've lost all respect for dude for co-signing this?

But do you have the same vitriol for the rest of the rappers who spit the same old stuff that is actually detrimental to the mentality of the youth? [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Why are people so mad at this guys OPINION?
These YouTube conspiracy videos has the world all messed up. I use to watch them a few years ago. Somethings made sense. Then I noticed all these "predictions" these guys were talking about never came true. Not one. I'm not saying it's all complete BS but these so called conspiracy theorists are always selling a book or video. They profit off the "truth". That right there raises my eyebrows.

The people on Bobs IG right now defending this BS are blindly taking a rappers word for it. They all talk the same YouTube BS and believe the word of what men and women they never met say then turn around and say everyone who disagrees is a "sheep". The real conspiracies are being overlooked now because of this rampant stupidity. Bob has money. He could easily take a trip around the earth and find its edge. He'd rather speak this nonsense instead. Sad part is people support it blindly. Who's the sheep again? I've lost all respect for dude consigning this garbage. All the issues with the world and he's using his voice and fame to declare the earth is flat. Fool
You've lost all respect for dude for co-signing this?

But do you have the same vitriol for the rest of the rappers who spit the same old stuff that is actually detrimental to the mentality of the youth? [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Why are people so mad at this guys OPINION?
the earth being flat is not an opinion, its just wrong 

you dont get to play the "everyone gets to have an opinion" card when we are talking about facts 
Some dude said the Vrill and scientologists are the illuminati a while ago :lol: he was talking about a bunch of stuff involving clones and pedophiles in high places too. I forgot his name though. I wanna make a thread about aliens now though.
We have an alien/conspiracy thread already
You've lost all respect for dude for co-signing this?

But do you have the same vitriol for the rest of the rappers who spit the same old stuff that is actually detrimental to the mentality of the youth? [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Why are people so mad at this guys OPINION?

It's only detrimental if the person actually believes what they are hearing as fact. No different from a video game or movie. These are forms of entertainment. What he's pushing doesn't come off to me as entertainment. I take his comments as him speaking seriously. That's the difference. The youth argument is so tired. It's a way for adults to blame everyone else for there lack of parenting or supervision skills. Rappers, actors and video games don't raise the youth in my family. I do.
You've lost all respect for dude for co-signing this?

But do you have the same vitriol for the rest of the rappers who spit the same old stuff that is actually detrimental to the mentality of the youth? [emoji]128064[/emoji]

Why are people so mad at this guys OPINION?

That topic has been talked about since the birth of gangsta rap in the black community. Since the birth of Rock&Roll in the white community. Straw Man arguement.
I'm just saying.

To me it's hilarious that dude is mad at him and "lost all respect" for him for saying the earth is flat, of ALL the silly logic and **** that rappers say. :lol:
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I'm just saying.

To me it's hilarious that dude is mad at him and "lost all respect" for him for saying the earth is flat, of ALL the silly logic and **** that rappers say. :lol:

I can't recall any rapper saying something as stupid. I could be completely wrong but please share with me other insane theories so I can blast them too. I've heard many rappers say stay in school, learn something etc. Bob is saying science and history is BS based off his what, Go Pro camera lens? We don't have all the answers or have a perfect education system. However I'm not gonna go around spreading "knowledge" based off what some YouTube videos have taught me. Bob has no credibility in this subject to my knowledge nor proof to 100% back up his claims.
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