Bacha Bazi - Sexual Slavery of Young Boys in Afghanistan


Jul 18, 2003
I ran across the documentary on PBS. Thought it was interesting and also pretty disturbing. 'Bacha bazi' is a practice that goes on in Afghanistan where boys are bought from poor families and made to wear women's clothes and dance for rich/powerful men at parties.  After the party the boy usually goes home with the man who pays the most money.

Here is more:

Popular in Afghanistan, these "dancing boys" are actually sex slaves, lured off the streets by pimps, taught to dance and sing, to wear make-up and to dress like girls. Then they are made to perform before large groups of men. ALL of them are sexually abused."Dancing boys" are a lucrative business. Powerful former warlords and businessmen love to watch them and will pay a lot of money to have their own boy for Bacha Bazi. Some of the boys are traded like swap cards amongst the rich and powerful and if they disobey their "owners" they are killed or brutalised.The commercialization of young boys is well known to the United Nations. According to Nazir Alimy, who compiled a report on the issue for the UN, there is no doubt who is funding this practice and why the police refuse to stop it. "According to our research these dancing boys are used by powerful men for sex," Mr Alimy said.Paedophiles and pimps search for young boys so they can sell them or groom them to be trained as "dancing boys". In one case a journalist goes in the car with a paedophile named Dastager. As they drive, Dastager explains the type of boy he is looking for. Then in broad daylight the "dancing boy master" stops the car, goes to a shopfront and brings a boy back to his the waiting car.According to a report prepared for the United Nations there is evidence that the practice of bacha bazi and the sexual abuse of boys is common throughout the north of the country. It confirms that young boys, some of them only 10 years old, are lured into life as a sex slave.While the nutjobs talk of reforming islam, and the dimwits bury their head in the sand and chime "islam is a religion of peace" while muslim mass murderers shrill allah the merciful, the bountiful, allahu akhbar, muslim hymen hunters are looking for young children to rape call it Muslim Love consider it Normal.Get it?The abuse of Children and Women by these fowl creatures should be given more media coverage. These things should be seen by the west and by people of all ages. Instead our murderous media hides these horrors and then calls RELIGION peaceful. Religion that stimulates pedophelia and sodomy. The idea that is held is that it's not really sodomy. It's only sodomy if the boys have not reached puberty. Before that time boys are not given a gender identity. This is hypocritical, because boys are allowed to be their MOTHERS keepers. Boys are given mujahadin status at all ages. So, the contradictions are astounding. There is no logic. It's only applied when the outcome is what is favorable to the "establishment" who are invariably the ones who are the perpetrators.
This is the same kind of oppression that drives priests to abuse altar boys.
OP is OD late. But yes, it is disgusting. When you have money people's sickest fantasies often become reality.
And then they end up stoning openly gay people that just want to live in peace after they do acts like these. You have to love hypocritical and the double standard that these fundamentalists have.
OP I was with you until you reposted a block quote that equated this sick behavior with Islam.
lslam does not permit or condone this behavior and whoever thinks it does must be outta their minds. Islam is a religion of peace but these nut jobs pose as Muslims and use religion as a shield for their actions. But these people that commit these acts are not ,Muslim because that is not what is taught in Islam.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

This is the same kind of oppression that drives priests to abuse altar boys.

No because they are not hiding behind religious veils. This is STRAIGHT UP Pimping. They are teaching the boys to be attractive then taking them to parties to dance to advertise. 
Sad story, but whomever wrote that paragraph was clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. These guys doing this are the war lords/drug king pins (that the US supported) whom the Taliban was always fighting against. There's nothing in Islam that allows this. An Islamic court would execute the offenders. When the Taliban actually was in power, that's what they did. Pathetic attempt at trying to pin this on religion and peddle some anti-Islam propaganda. This actually goes back to ancient Greece. Nice try though.
Originally Posted by odog24

lslam does not permit or condone this behavior and whoever thinks it does must be outta their minds. Islam is a religion of peace but these nut jobs pose as Muslims and use religion as a shield for their actions. But these people that commit these acts are not ,Muslim because that is not what is taught in Islam.
This is a sad sad story, however religion has no place in this article. The underlining issue of bacha bazi is absolutely horrific, and the attempt to mention Islam in this issue ads to my anger.
pure ignorance 
Originally Posted by odog24

lslam does not permit or condone this behavior and whoever thinks it does must be outta their minds. Islam is a religion of peace but these nut jobs pose as Muslims and use religion as a shield for their actions. But these people that commit these acts are not ,Muslim because that is not what is taught in Islam.

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Originally Posted by odog24

lslam does not permit or condone this behavior and whoever thinks it does must be outta their minds. Islam is a religion of peace but these nut jobs pose as Muslims and use religion as a shield for their actions. But these people that commit these acts are not ,Muslim because that is not what is taught in Islam.


seriously who can think that Islam, or ANY RELIGION for that matter, would condone this? ridiculous
Real life Kite Runner
Originally Posted by Weekz

OP is OD late. But yes, it is disgusting. When you have money people's sickest fantasies often become reality.
Late to you maybe but I'm sure there are plenty of people on here who were unaware of this, myself included.

The only thing in this thread more terrible than the article is the article.
I think you guys are missing the point on the religion in the paragraph.

OBVIOUSLY no one would condone such crap, but the whole point of religion isn't it so you COULD sin, or act indecent, whatever. Then magically do your ritual CRAP & be forgiven.

If you noticed they asked the men what do their mothers think & they said they're mothers have no choice.. The women can't even show their faces let alone bodies so of course that SUB CONSCIOUSLY condones a replacement to all the horny men, you guessed it.. BOYS!

Religion cloaks a lot of crap, trust that in society that allows women to be actually LIVE & mothers to actually govern the lives of those that came out their wombs there wouldn't be no room for crap like this, but same way in this country the church is raping boys, Boystown in Wisconsin, it all gets cloaked by what?? RELIGION

HUMANS lets be less trigger happy with our emotions & try to explore ALL possible POV's before saying religion had no place in this thread. Like the old proverb goes "Don't remember where you fall, but where you slipped."
I find it funny that this article is taking aim at Islam for condoning or stimulating phedophilia when that is not the case at all. This is a cultural thing that unfortunately takes place in afganistan. If the writer were to look into Islam instead of making assumptions maybe they would have written a more accurate article. There is no such thing practice in the Muslim religion that condones or encourages pedophilia or homosexuality regardless of the child's age or if he has passed puberty. If people claim to be "Muslim" and are doing such things they are going against Islam. For example it is known that the catholic church knew about priests that were abusing children but they tried to cover it up, would it be fair if I wrote an article saying that the catholic church condones and preaches pedophilia? No because it does not there are bad people that claim to follow every religion. you need to look at the teachings of a religion itself not the actions of a few select individuals.

Sorry not sure how to embed

It looks like American tax dollars are being used to continue this sick practice, your government and the main stream media know but they are doing nothing to stop it. Smh they can't interfere with a private company that has a contract with them but they can invade countries and over throw regimes. Makes no damn sense. I just watched the videos no idea why the into is about stoping "religionism" but nothing in the video has anything to do with religion. These is a disgusting cultural practice that has no roots in religion.

Lol sorry for the rant
why would any dude wanna do this though??
if i was rich and powerful i sure as hell aint tryna pimp little boys and make em dress as girls where they do dat at?
imma be smashing every 10/10 i see
dem afghans doin it wrong what kind of gay %#!@ is that?
Originally Posted by odog24

lslam does not permit or condone this behavior and whoever thinks it does must be outta their minds. Islam is a religion of peace but these nut jobs pose as Muslims and use religion as a shield for their actions. But these people that commit these acts are not ,Muslim because that is not what is taught in Islam.

This nothing to do with Islam, its culture. Women are only used for procreating.
Originally Posted by iM COOL C

I think you guys are missing the point on the religion in the paragraph.

OBVIOUSLY no one would condone such crap, but the whole point of religion isn't it so you COULD sin, or act indecent, whatever. Then magically do your ritual CRAP & be forgiven.

If you noticed they asked the men what do their mothers think & they said they're mothers have no choice.. The women can't even show their faces let alone bodies so of course that SUB CONSCIOUSLY condones a replacement to all the horny men, you guessed it.. BOYS!

Religion cloaks a lot of crap, trust that in society that allows women to be actually LIVE & mothers to actually govern the lives of those that came out their wombs there wouldn't be no room for crap like this, but same way in this country the church is raping boys, Boystown in Wisconsin, it all gets cloaked by what?? RELIGION

HUMANS lets be less trigger happy with our emotions & try to explore ALL possible POV's before saying religion had no place in this thread. Like the old proverb goes "Don't remember where you fall, but where you slipped."


They live in a social structure where women are non-existent, or in this case, walking blobs of bedsheets.  Sexual urge in a biological instinct.  The men are so sexually oppressed that the urge is re-directed to the next vulnerable class of people - young boys. 

It's the same reason priests end up raping altar boys and men/boys have sex with donkeys in the predominantly Catholic Colombia.

What's shocking about this is that the men talk about it so matter-of-factly in the documentary. 
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