Being emotionally invested in sports/teams unappreciation

Man Justin Tuck is a monster.

(Puts on shoes to head to Subway)

Very Impressed with the Giants this post season.
I've learned to be a bit less emotionally invested to my teams....being a Warrior fan can teach you a lot about that
I know a few people like this, and yalls got some serious issues. Breaking %$%# and lashing out at people over a game that has NOTHING to do with you. Youre not gonna get paid, (unless youre betting, but thats a diff story) your life is going to be EXACTLY the same the next day win or lose.
Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

I know a few people like this, and yalls got some serious issues. Breaking %$%# and lashing out at people over a game that has NOTHING to do with you. Youre not gonna get paid, (unless youre betting, but thats a diff story) your life is going to be EXACTLY the same the next day win or lose.

I agree with you. But I'd rather be around upset people and see people with passion and people that end there.
People who cause violence to others, name their children after players, quit their jobs, cash out 401k's for tickets, tattoos, stand in subzero temps with no shirts on, make bets for things beyond money, commit crimes and so on actually are the ones that have a serious problem.

You don't think it's people in the world like the guys in Celtic Pride? I'm sure there are plenty out there. The Saints fan who shot the two niner fans at the restaurant. Thats when enjoying your team and being a fan goes much to far

I bet 100% of people that know anybody whose a fan of a sports team if not themself have heard someone say or said themself, we or us when referring to their favorite team. It's a sense of pride and feeling that your a part of the organization.
As I've gotten older I've tried to not let it get to me, but it's stupid hard. I have yet to experience any championships but I swear, if I do, Jesus can return because my life will be complete.
Man I'm sick...already called out for Monday night and I don't go in till 10pm
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

Man I'm sick...already called out for Monday night and I don't go in till 10pm

 @$%& Happens. Getting beat up on this Forum by Giants fans isn't helping you. 
 Thats like tailgating in the parking lot at the opposing teams stadium after they beat you. This place is dominated by CA and NY. You gotta cut your loses and get back tomorrow.
I'm so glad I didn't go to a bar to watch the Superbowl. I would've most likely had to fight
I can exoect another disappointing season from the Chargers this season $@*$ norv
Fellas just hang in there.

The Mavs did nothing but fail in historic fashion until June.

That ring made all the heartbreak worth it.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Fellas just hang in there.

The Mavs did nothing but fail in historic fashion until June.

That ring made all the heartbreak worth it.


I mean, we aren't talking about losing regular season games hear. This is main;y about the big ones

Not funny at all. 

It's crazy how it seems that if you shoot an opposing fan because your upset that seems to make sense. Research shows that super bowl sunday and thanksgiving Law Enforcement responds to more domestic violence calls for service then any other days of the year. A little girl gets put in the hospital at hockey game after being punched down the stairs for wearing the opposing teams jersey. 70+ people dead after a soccer match. A dad and his son are thrown up on and countless other violence that goes on behind sporting events. I said that I took a day off from work to not be bothered and I should kill myself..  

I guess I'll beat my wife and fight people who wear Ravens jersyes, loss my savings, beat up a first base coach and shoot somebody so I wont be a weirdo. because my team reminds me of my family and I feel different then the average fan I need to go somewhere. HAHA Its good.

I agree with you. But I'd rather be around upset people and see people with passion and people that end there.
People who cause violence to others, name their children after players, quit their jobs, cash out 401k's for tickets, tattoos, stand in subzero temps with no shirts on, make bets for things beyond money, commit crimes and so on actually are the ones that have a serious problem.

You don't think it's people in the world like the guys in Celtic Pride? I'm sure there are plenty out there. The Saints fan who shot the two niner fans at the restaurant. Thats when enjoying your team and being a fan goes much to far

I bet 100% of people that know anybody whose a fan of a sports team if not themself have heard someone say or said themself, we or us when referring to their favorite team. It's a sense of pride and feeling that your a part of the organization.

 @$%& Happens. Getting beat up on this Forum by Giants fans isn't helping you. 
 Thats like tailgating in the parking lot at the opposing teams stadium after they beat you. This place is dominated by CA and NY. You gotta cut your loses and get back tomorrow.


I thought you were done?

There's no need to try to rationalize it by comparing it to fans who kill people or beat their wives because their dumb too.

I didn't say you're a bad person, but you need to take a step back and put things into perspective if you're crying or taking days off from work.... Just because your favorite sports team loss. A majority of the players won't even cry and they're the one's who put their lives on the line.

I guess it would be okay for your girlfriend to take time off because Kim and Kris Humphries broke up...
If you let "your" team's performance determine your attitude towards your family, friends, job, etc. then you need more to live for.  It's one thing to be a big fan but an adult shouldn't be crying, fighting, or going into a depression over a sports team.  I could understand if your friend or family is on the team or maybe you are an alumni....but if you just been a Patriots fan your whole life because your from the area or whatever you shouldn't be that emotionally invested.  I almost feel bad for those dudes that revolve their whole life around "their" football team.  It's pathetic.  The Lakers are my team and when they got swept last year I feel bad but I kept it moving in life.  Kobe don't pay my bills.  I find it funny when fans believe they deserve to wasn't shooting in the GYM! you wasn't running routes or taking batting practice.  Just watch the game, cheer, boo, and accept the outcome.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Not funny at all. 

It's crazy how it seems that if you shoot an opposing fan because your upset that seems to make sense. Research shows that super bowl sunday and thanksgiving Law Enforcement responds to more domestic violence calls for service then any other days of the year. A little girl gets put in the hospital at hockey game after being punched down the stairs for wearing the opposing teams jersey. 70+ people dead after a soccer match. A dad and his son are thrown up on and countless other violence that goes on behind sporting events. I said that I took a day off from work to not be bothered and I should kill myself..  

I guess I'll beat my wife and fight people who wear Ravens jersyes, loss my savings, beat up a first base coach and shoot somebody so I wont be a weirdo. because my team reminds me of my family and I feel different then the average fan I need to go somewhere. HAHA Its good.

I agree with you. But I'd rather be around upset people and see people with passion and people that end there.
People who cause violence to others, name their children after players, quit their jobs, cash out 401k's for tickets, tattoos, stand in subzero temps with no shirts on, make bets for things beyond money, commit crimes and so on actually are the ones that have a serious problem.

You don't think it's people in the world like the guys in Celtic Pride? I'm sure there are plenty out there. The Saints fan who shot the two niner fans at the restaurant. Thats when enjoying your team and being a fan goes much to far

I bet 100% of people that know anybody whose a fan of a sports team if not themself have heard someone say or said themself, we or us when referring to their favorite team. It's a sense of pride and feeling that your a part of the organization.

 @$%& Happens. Getting beat up on this Forum by Giants fans isn't helping you. 
 Thats like tailgating in the parking lot at the opposing teams stadium after they beat you. This place is dominated by CA and NY. You gotta cut your loses and get back tomorrow.


I thought you were done?

There's no need to try to rationalize it by comparing it to fans who kill people or beat their wives because their dumb too.

I didn't say you're a bad person, but you need to take a step back and put things into perspective if you're crying or taking days off from work.... Just because your favorite sports team loss. A majority of the players won't even cry and their the one's who put their lives on the line.

I guess it would be okay for your girlfriend to take time off because Kim and Kris Humphries broke up...

Made no sense. A celebrity relationship. Seeing grown men and women devoting their lives to following a sports team. I was done explaining how it related to me and it being more then football. You don't get that and like other dude that said he was taking tomorrow off and other guys saying fighting people. If you don't get it thats fine. The majority of professional athletes aren't fans of themselves but are the ones that go into hiding and can't leave the house and work all day and night after losing crazy. You don't seem to be a sports fan or by reading your other post be very knowledgeable in sports so I'll excuse you. Cocky arrogant group of people who don't care about others which a lot of athletes are. If you don't get it. You don't get it.

 at these guys putting lives on the line. The troops put their lives on the line. First responders put their lives on the line. My life is in perspective dude. I'm grown. Not sure what your deal is but thinking these guys put their lives on the line. Maybe you should put things in Perspective. An injury and death are different things. Can't remember the last time someone in the nfl, nba, nhl, mlb or mls died on the field of play
Originally Posted by BigBrandon

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Not funny at all. 

It's crazy how it seems that if you shoot an opposing fan because your upset that seems to make sense. Research shows that super bowl sunday and thanksgiving Law Enforcement responds to more domestic violence calls for service then any other days of the year. A little girl gets put in the hospital at hockey game after being punched down the stairs for wearing the opposing teams jersey. 70+ people dead after a soccer match. A dad and his son are thrown up on and countless other violence that goes on behind sporting events. I said that I took a day off from work to not be bothered and I should kill myself..  

I guess I'll beat my wife and fight people who wear Ravens jersyes, loss my savings, beat up a first base coach and shoot somebody so I wont be a weirdo. because my team reminds me of my family and I feel different then the average fan I need to go somewhere. HAHA Its good.

I agree with you. But I'd rather be around upset people and see people with passion and people that end there.
People who cause violence to others, name their children after players, quit their jobs, cash out 401k's for tickets, tattoos, stand in subzero temps with no shirts on, make bets for things beyond money, commit crimes and so on actually are the ones that have a serious problem.

You don't think it's people in the world like the guys in Celtic Pride? I'm sure there are plenty out there. The Saints fan who shot the two niner fans at the restaurant. Thats when enjoying your team and being a fan goes much to far

I bet 100% of people that know anybody whose a fan of a sports team if not themself have heard someone say or said themself, we or us when referring to their favorite team. It's a sense of pride and feeling that your a part of the organization.

I thought you were done?

There's no need to try to rationalize it by comparing it to fans who kill people or beat their wives because their dumb too.

I didn't say you're a bad person, but you need to take a step back and put things into perspective if you're crying or taking days off from work.... Just because your favorite sports team loss. A majority of the players won't even cry and their the one's who put their lives on the line.

I guess it would be okay for your girlfriend to take time off because Kim and Kris Humphries broke up...

Made no sense. A celebrity relationship. Seeing grown men and women devoting their lives to following a sports team. I was done explaining how it related to me and it being more then football. You don't get that and like other dude that said he was taking tomorrow off and other guys saying fighting people. If you don't get it thats fine. The majority of professional athletes aren't fans of themselves but are the ones that go into hiding and can't leave the house and work all day and night after losing crazy. You don't seem to be a sports fan or by reading your other post be very knowledgeable in sports so I'll excuse you. Cocky arrogant group of people who don't care about others which a lot of athletes are. If you don't get it. You don't get it.

I'm a huge sports fan. But a game would never affect me like that.

To each his own though.

I'm just pullin' your leg chap.

edit: read up on NFL players and the debilitating ailments that occur soon after they retire.

The average life span of an NFL lineman is less than 50... Average life span of an NFL player is 58.... so I would say they are putting their lives on the line.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

You guys need to leave my dude BigBrandon alone


I'm good. I said I was passionate because certain things remind me of family and was completely honest. if dudes think it weird it's good. If I was just upset because we lost I would go in on dudes as well but like I said The steelers meant more to me as far as memories and family members that have passed on. Thats why I never get upset when they lose but yeh Ive been sad about it because it reminds me of other things. 

Carry on bashing me for crying and missing a day of work I dont mind. 
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by BigBrandon

Originally Posted by MoonMan818

edit: read up on NFL players and the debilitating ailments that occur soon after they retire.

The average life span of an NFL lineman is less than 50... Average life span of an NFL player is 58.... so I would say they are putting their lives on the line.

Look up the life span of a retired cop or the average age of the deceased soldiers in the war.. Sports isnt putting your life on the line. Quality of life and life expectancy is a lot different from putting your life on the line. Both are occupational hazards its a difference. 
I got season tickets to see the Washington wizards, how do you think i feel after every game smh.
Everyone of my teams has given me a kick to the nuts over the past couple years. I try not to get emotionally invested but most of the time i cant help it. I dont get confrontational or aggressive, but I feel like #!!@ the entire day









that elite eight game vs illinois in 2005 was the most pissed off I've ever been watching a sporting event
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

All the extra headaches, the long days, the anger, the frustration, the disappointment, sadness

I swear watching sports and rooting for my teams have shaven 2 years off of my life due to the stress
Imagine how I feel being a Kings and 49ers fan the last decade

I was stupid emotionally invested in sports as a kid, but once you grow up, you begin to gain perspective on life.

Don't get me wrong. I love my teams as much as the next man. But honestly, I was over the 49ers win against the Saints that night.

I was over the 49ers loss against the Giants that night.

I have too much other stuff to worry about right now. I have important life decisions to make.
I've been a Colts fan since 94. Just think about the %+* I've been through. If Peyton gets released I'm done with the Colts forever
100% agree... Its the greatest feeling when your team wins. When they lose though 

Those losing seasons make the winning seasons that much better when you ride or die with your squad
Watching your team lose year after year gets annoying, but I would NEVER think about jumping ship, sorry, but no bandwagon riding for me. I don't get being a fan of another team just cause they are "good". Like my son, who hardly knows anything about football is a Saints/Packers fan even though he has absolutely NO affiliation to either Green Bay or New Orleans. I'm like why?..and he says, "I dunno cause they're good".

I'm a Dolphins and Hurricanes fan, always have been, always will be. Losing sucks, but I know that when they eventually find they're way back, it will much more sweeter.

It seems though that most of the time at least one of the Miami teams are doing ok. When the Dolphins are bad, the Canes are doing good. Or when the Canes are bad, the Heat are doing good. So I always have something to look forward to.
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