Ben Carson currently leading GOP field....

Ben Carson is going nowhere fast. He's wasting his time.
You have to look at the wider republican strategy. The GOP knows they can't rely on white votes forever so what they are doing with Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz are trying to increase their footholds into the two largest minority communities in the nation: blacks and hispanics. At this stage in the game neither Ted Cruz nor Ben Carson are supposed to win. What they're supposed to do is encourage minority voters to look at the Republican platform as typically the GOP has alienated them in the past.

Let's be honest with ourselves. Black people voted in record numbers for Barack Obama mainly because he was black. Though blacks typically lean Democrat, as a culture we hold a lot of socially conservative values. LGBT rights, involvement in the church, etc are thing the black community at large have interest in. So they know if they can put a black or hispanic face on these socially conservative issues, they can pull some voters.

Black people are not idiots. They're not gonna vote for a cornball that talks sideways about his people just to see another black president

Hillary would probably get over 90% of the black vote if she ran against Carson.

Hillary is popular among black folk, she always been. And she of all the politicians has kept it the realest when it comes to black issues recently. O'Mally and Sanders would rather not even speak about racial issues. Carson and company just talk sideways to the community

Her problem might be that she won't not turn out the black vote like Obeezy did though.

The black vote flock to Obama for a lot of reason other than being black. His progressive views and history helping the community basically made him the perfect candidate

On social issues. No candidate is touching Hillary, and no one will try cause they know it is futile.

The election will be about every candidate trying to convince America they can't trust Hillary for whatever reason.
Of course black people won't vote for a self-hating black person en masse but he will pull some. There are many black conservatives out there and I think all it takes is the right face to pull them across the aisle.  

Hillary does have general black support but Sanders could easily out do her from the left if he actually spoke up. So if we're talking most progressive candidate Sanders would have a stronger pull on the black vote. I think his main hiccup is that he wont speak on race issues.

His main hiccup seems to be he doesn't care about black issues, not that he won't speak up.

He is a hardcore progressive, that champions socialism. He should have no problems opening his mouth and speaking about systemic racism. And the fact that he doesn't, will be a red flag to black folks.

Bernie Sanders is pulling the classic white progressive move. Champion ideas that he knows will disproportionately help minorities, and thinking that gives him cover from having to address them directly.

Whenever Hillary gets on the mic about black issues. She keeps it all the way #1HUNNA. Yet Sanders and O'Mally wants everyone to believe she ain't left enough.

They hustling backwards
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Well, for one he is a doctor, he's spent his career in the medical field and knows more than anyone how to handle healthcare. He is a strong believer in health savings accounts (HSAs) which if you know anything about them, benefit the customer far more than contributing to an insurance that never rolls over, oh he wants to take obamacare down too, which I hope he does.

He wants to help protect the rights of personal beliefs, as doctor he has operated on infants pre-birth and sees that abortion is something that of murder. (I guess that's my most conservative view)

He wants to reform taxes, why make taxes so complicated? Ben Carson wants to simplify taxes for everyone.

Not to mention, we just need a conservative President in order for this debt to be balanced in any type advancement.

HSA's exist now.
What's the issue with ObamaCare?
I disagree with your personal view, but it's yours, no judgement.
How is he going to reform taxes?
Why do we NEED a conservative President? what would a doctor (who has financial issues of his own) know about managing the nations debt? What actual history do conservatives have in controlling the finance that gives them this free, completely unwarranted pass? their fiscal responsibility thus far is a big myth.
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