Bill Maher calls himself a House N during an interview.....

Like I said, calling for his job was a bit much, but he should have apologized (which he did).

It is kind weird to see some black folk give him a blanket pass when even he realizes that what he did was tasteless.
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NTs resident thorough Spaniard has spoken, so we can close this thread.
White people derogatory terms suck, that ain't phasing no one.

"white" perhaps, cuz not everyone one is married to that pan-all encompassing term...jew talk thou, or italian slander, or Russia, German, etc. different ball game.
Sad part is there's a lot of black people supporting this. I've seen tons of cringe worthy comments like this:

View media item 2454445

I'm not "outraged" by any means. But I'm giving him the side eye for the distasteful joke. Way out of line. I don't care how much you've stood up for black people (aka just being a decent human being :rolleyes ) you do not get a pass for the N word.

:x :x :x
He's old enough to know better.

I have a good friend that's down as down can be (he literally started the whole Trayvon Martin protest, lives in a black neighborhood,dates black women, etc) and even he realizes that word is straight off limits.

it still boggles my mine that white people try to justify using.
White people derogatory terms suck, that ain't phasing no one.
This. If someone called me a cracker I'd just laugh :lol: Been called it a couple times on xbox live. Hardly comes off as an insult.
I've had a lot more idiots call me the n-word for some reason. Mostly little kids/teens
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Surprised people still entertain this clown *** mutha*****.
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White liberal male got too comfortable?

I am shocked.

I don't care how liberal someone is being liberal don't give anyone a pass and their are plenty of racially tone deaf white liberals. Like others have said it was in bad tatse and he could have conveyed the same joke in other ways.
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You know PC culture is bad when Bill Maher is apologizing for jokes. He's famously against comedians apologizing for jokes.

So "PC culture" has gone too far when people are allowed to have negative opinions about the use of a racial slur? 

I agree but at the same time if you want to use the word as a black comedian than you are allowing the word to be used freely and heard by millions of people. And this allowing the word to be further used by those listening. I'm more for the idea to have it just being stopped from being used.

Black comedians use white racial slurs and no one says a peep. Hell Chris Rock specials are my favorite and he does it all the time. I don't hold anything against him. Was Bill Mahrs remark in poor taste, yes it was. But should people be losing their ****. No they shouldn't especially when he didn't do it in any sort of malcontent sort of way.
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