what billionaire drives himself around? I bet all his billionaire buddies make fun of him for that
im a little confused.

correct me if im wrong:

he did this because he knows he is going to lose the case and the family of the victim will receive alimony from him but the dude said they couldnt take money from his childrens' trust funds which he has saved. Then with her being adopted, she is know a legal "child" of his so they cant take as much

Originally Posted by blackngold1z

Didn't Hogan do something similar? He (or his son I forget) was being sued, so Hogan divorced his wife thus cutting his net worth in half.
Naa,Hulk went through a pretty damn brutal divorce that took a whole lot more than his money out of him. Had nothing to do with being sued.
when you getting/got money like that you have a whole team of advisors/lawyers/accounts etc that will go that extra mile to protect sure somebody got a nice bonus coming

at the charges tho...dude was living di life and threw it away by acting reckless and actually taking someones life
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]What an idiot. I don't care what he did AFTER he got himself into this situation, he had all the money and freedom in the world and threw it all away for one night of drunk driving.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]RIP to the victim. [/color]
If I was the judge, I would pull a M Night shyamalan plot twist and not give him any jail time and fine him 2 billion. Gotta hit folks like this where it hurts.
The people callin him smart are missing the part where he killed someone from drunk driving...yea if google couldn't tell u that in 5 minutes
Originally Posted by MrBrown

Thats why he is rich

*takes notes

Came in here to say just that.

But seriously though, in the end this is the truth.

The people callin him smart are missing the part where he killed someone from drunk driving...yea if google couldn't tell u that in 5 minutes

RIP to victim.
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