Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

Man, it just got so real on that show... Oh, so very real!!...

Gyp is on another level... Becoming one of my favorite villains on TV ever... T_T
They sent that boy home in a box

I think Nucky now knows there was something between Owen and Margaret. That plan they had was terrible. How u just gonna walk into NY and kill someone like him? Eli was right they should've had an army.
Man, it just got so real on that show... Oh, so very real!!...
Gyp is on another level... Becoming one of my favorite villains on TV ever... T_T

he's going to get offed soon, enjoy him while u can (this is just my opinion)

what side do you think harrow is going to work for? i honestly feel like gillian and maybe gyp's people are going to do something to harrow's girl and he's going to go side with nucky and go off

gyp going up the wrong ally telling chalky what to do, you know nucky gonna be rolling out the red carpet to chalky's club for back lol

i too think nucky knew what was going on, i think he sent owen in there and that's why he said to margaret this is a new beginning for us...or doyle told him....micky doyel is the worst capo of all time
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Man so many emotions.

i don't know how i am going to be able to wait for next week's episode, at least it is thanksgiving week so it will go by fast....and then the season finalllle....this show just gets better and better even though i don't like the whole political aspect
Dang, I didn't see Owen going out like that.  Of course, Margaret is still around
.  Looks like we get more of Chalky, a little late into the season, but that probably means he'll have a bigger role next season
HBO GO is damn great. This week's episode is up.

I enjoy the interactive features as well.
I saw two bodies.

Owen and FBI dude went.

Unlees I'm mistaken?

Pretty sure there were 2 bodies.

Luciano probably told him that Nucky was coming much sooner than he thought, gave descriptions of Owen and probably had him thinking where

Nuck would most likely strike.

The Bath House.
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Wow at that ending. Am I the only one that found that scene with Margaret crying mad powerful? Cause here Nucky is witnessing this in front of his awkward
Nucky HAS to know for sure what was going on between Margaret and Owen now after seeing her reaction to Owen's death.
Wow, what an episode. These last two are going to be crazy. Can't believe they did Owen like that.

I don't even think Nucky cares much about Owen and Margaret's relationship.

Reminds me of the last couple episodes of the Sopranos, when war starts and everyone starts dying. Anticipation is thru the roof.
Damn people are getting offed left and right. It was obvious Owen was going to go after Luchiano snitched to Masseria but I didnt expect him to get sent back in the box. I think Nucky is going to be desperate now and allow Chalky to make his club so he could use him in the fight against Gyp. I also believe Harrow is going to just flee with his new girl and Tommy and not get into all the fighting thats going to break out. The most I see him doing is either killing Gillian or his girl's father. Im interested to see what happens with Capone and Van Alden before the end of this season. Im also wondering when Nucky is going to find out that Margeret is pregnant and how he responds.
the scene where owen gets into the bath house, i knew it was going down. he gave that look like some thing is off.
Crazy ep....soon as eddie said there was a delivery mad late knew it was gonna be owen in there...***** gonna be crazy the last two eps

Harrows girl is :pimp:
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