Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

Where does HBO go from here? Any good (new) series on deck?
My favorite scene from the show was Don Purnsley finding out who Chalky really is in jail after tryin to punk him.

From all the prisoners thanking Chalky for all the help he had provided, then proceeding to lay the smackdown on Purnsley, to Chalky asking one of the fellas to read the opening line from David Copperfield.. that scene was PERFECT

Chalky was so BOSS it's a shame all that went out the window when Daughter fine *** showed up. Still hard to believe he just up and rolled out on his family like he did.
My favorite scene from the show was Don Purnsley finding out who Chalky really is in jail after tryin to punk him.

From all the prisoners thanking Chalky for all the help he had provided, then proceeding to lay the smackdown on Purnsley, to Chalky asking one of the fellas to read the opening line from David Copperfield.. that scene was PERFECT

Chalky was so BOSS it's a shame all that went out the window when Daughter fine *** showed up. Still hard to believe he just up and rolled out on his family like he did.
Crazy P makes a man do crazy thangs.
Bobby Cannavale killed it with Gyp Rosetti. Winning that emmy was rightfully deserved and earned.

On a side note, it was interesting to get a glimpse of his home life and see how no matter how capricious and explosive he may appear at any moment, he can be contained and diffused with the quickness by one single person - his wife.

One of favorite Gyp scenes.

R.I.P Gyp the God.
Still can't believe Chalky White went out the way he did. Just think about the Chalky we first met in Season 1. To see him turn into such a big simp who would rather hear his mistress voice one last time then go find his family is still a tough pill for me to swallow.
Nah sounded like he said he was looking for her before he got caught and put in prison. Then stopped. Came out, checked on his fam/got infer on their whereabouts and was moving on to revenge.
"Nucky has a pretty dark history regarding aspirational young men which is--I think--ever on his mind."
- Howard Korder, Executive Producer/Writer

Thoughts? Something is gonna go down with Nuck and Joe Harper (Tommy)
this wasn't supposed to be the last season right? wasn't it one more after this and hbo cut it down to this? if so what was this season supposed to be
Comment i liked from AV Club
I found this to be a really heartbreaking episode, but not in the way I expected. Nucky has lost everything, but he's also regained his sense of morality, at least to an extent. After seeing the ends of Tony Soprano, Vic Mackey, and Walter White, I was worried that Boardwalk Empire might not offer anything new. After tonight, I'm not too worried about that because the show seems to be exploring whether or not Nucky can redeem himself and the answer appears to be yes, he can. He gave up everything he's ever accomplished so he can get back his nephew and give his brother something to live for. He's admitted he's let his arrogance get in the way. He pushed away the boy he was working with, instead of bringing him in like he did with Jimmy. And, at the end, he has the chance to save the person he damned, the first truly evil act of Nucky Thompson when he let Gillian fall into the Commodore's hands either on purpose or by standing aside and allowing it to happen.

What a powerful, challenging way for this show to end. On one level, it's completely bleak, but on another level it's hopeful, saying even after years of bad, sometimes evil, decisions, a person can still make amends.

I'm really going to miss these characters.
And another comment was how many antiheroes on TV dramas have embraced who they became as it was their true self or who they wanted to be, but Nucky was never cut out for this life... it's not who he is and he gave it all up for his nephew to prove it.

I've been mixed on the flashbacks... on paper, I don't like them because it takes away from the already limited time we have with the show in it's final season. On the other hand, it's been interesting to see a condensed version of Nucky's rise to the start of the series as we see the series ending at the same time. In a perfect world, we get a true final/full season but I'm over complaining about it, it is what it is.

As usual, anything involving Luciano and Lansky is awesome. The mention of getting everyone together and the formation of The Commission was very cool and I'd love to see an entire series just about them.

The scene with The Commodore was chilling... just chilling. Then the ending with Gillian pleading for help :smh:

Looking forward to the finale but it'll be bittersweet because I've really enjoyed this show.
Episode is only 1HR :smh: . Couldn't even give the extended 15min like their season finales of the past.
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