Books that changed your life.

Jan 18, 2011
What book added value to your life? It could be of any genre.

I don't have many, which is why i want to add some more to my library.

-Leading an Inspired Life, JIM ROHN
-The Healing Power of Enzymes, Dicqie Fuller
-How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
-The 4 Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

And if you'd like to elaborate on why the book helped you then be my guest.
"Touch the Top Of The World" by Erik Weihenmayer.

I was fortunate enough to actually shake his hand, get his autograph, receive his book, and hear his life story as a blind man and his journey's up the World's most highest peaks.

He made me change my whole perspective on how I live my life.
The Fountainhead/Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

.. first book that came to my mind ..early on in life

The Giver
Tuesdays With Morrie
4 Hour Workweek - forgot author

The alchemist - Paulo Coelo

7 habits of highly effective people - Steven Conley

Think & grow rich - Napoleon Hill

Everything you need to know about the music business - donald passman
Originally Posted by 2morrowbegins2day

What book added value to your life? It could be of any genre.

I don't have many, which is why i want to add some more to my library.

-Leading an Inspired Life, JIM ROHN
-The Healing Power of Enzymes, Dicqie Fuller
-How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
-The 4 Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

And if you'd like to elaborate on why the book helped you then be my guest.

Elaborate on the Dale Carnegie book...
Vagabonding by Rolf Potts - very inspiring book about travel and how it relates to life
The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson - debunks a lot of the false info about health and fitness
The Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmekler - introduced me to health and fitness
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Art of Non Conformity by Chris Guillbeau - approaches life in a different way than most people. Very refreshing and inspiring
Pain Free by Pete Egoscue - very interesting and unique approach to health and fitness
Edit: I've heard good things about "Ishmael" and Dale Carnegie's work. 4 Hour Work Week is good too. Tim Ferris did a good job with it.
Originally Posted by imthekang

Originally Posted by 2morrowbegins2day

What book added value to your life? It could be of any genre.

I don't have many, which is why i want to add some more to my library.

-Leading an Inspired Life, JIM ROHN

-The Healing Power of Enzymes, Dicqie Fuller

-How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie

-The 4 Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz

And if you'd like to elaborate on why the book helped you then be my guest.

Elaborate on the Dale Carnegie book...

Dale hung out with wealthy people, point blank. I don't remember if he was wealthy (rockafeller wealthy) himself, but all i know is that he would analyze, interview and probe gestures and mannerisms of the wealthy class and give some tips on how to become a better communicator (not by talking but by listening <- simple tips like this). The book is a real simple and classic read. It definitely helped with my social life and his tips are golden. Don't be shy to buy it cuz you could buy one for less than $5 on sites like (i bought it there).
a couple that come to mind...

city of god - e.l. doctorow
a heartbreaking work of staggering genius - dave eggers
How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie


such a great book. Read it in high school but I think that book is due for another visit.
The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists- Neil Strauss

It made me see how pointless just picking up girls when I go out really is.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists- Neil Strauss

It made me see how pointless just picking up girls when I go out really is.

I have this book downloaded... i wonder if it really works.
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